Cell phone pouches required

With the 2024-25 school year set to start later this month, two new initiatives by the Clark County School District are receiving mixed reviews.

Council weighing critcal labor shortage option

When it comes to hiring high-level city employees, small communities including Boulder City are at a distinct disadvantage. Actually a few of them.

RR Pass travel centers sold

Calling it a “win-win” for everyone, Joseph DeSimone, founder of DeSimone Gaming and owner of Railroad Pass Casino, told the Review late last week that both the travel centers on his property have been sold.

BCPD address rising impaired-driving cases

Is it legal marijuana or just people thinking they can have one more cocktail for the road that’s too blame?

Commission moves to address old hangar

Driving into Boulder City it’s very easy to pass a piece of Southern Nevada history without even seeing it.

LMNRA announces Government Wash restrictions

The National Park Service is closing the Government Wash portion of Lake Mead National Recreation Area to motor vehicle access and overnight camping beginning Aug. 1.

Seeing double: Life as, or with, twins

Being that it’s not an official holiday, few may know that Aug. 3 is National Twins Day. But for a trio of Boulder City residents, they definitely know a thing or two about twins.

BCHS gym gets needed facelift

A long overdue maintenance project has finally been completed at Boulder City High School, with the Eagles upgrading the playing surface in their gymnasium.

Blast from the past

Recently, I came across something I wrote 25 years ago – in 1999. I want to share some of it because it still applies today. While I may be a little older, my perspective on Boulder City has mostly remained the same.

August 2024
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