Policing is a career that requires men and women with skills, patience and understanding. The Boulder City Police Department is filled with officers who truly care for this community and the people in it.
The recent articles, along with a letter to the editor concerning the newly-adopted airport hangar leases, gave the impression to the reader that the citizens of Boulder City are being cheated out of potential airport revenue.
Buying, owning and carrying firearms is easy in Nevada. Every good gun owner will tell you that safe habits, a sense of caution and practice are critical for safe firearms ownership. Learning these values can help keep you – and the people around you – safe. Here in Boulder City, the Rifle and Pistol Club has been teaching safe handling and use of firearms for more than 60 years.
Happy with article
As some of you may know, I grew up in Boulder City. So, I’m an Eagle at heart with blue and gold pumping through my veins. I know. That combination would make some kind of green color but you get where I’m going.
For the past month, more or less, I have found myself returning more often than usual to the tome that most shaped and informed the way I look at government and politics.
My plan when writing a column is to try and be lighthearted and focus on Boulder City-related issues or fond memories from my past growing up here.
We’ve never liked the “G” word around here. “GROWTH” is a four-letter word in Boulder City. Our controlled growth ordinances are among the most stringent in the U.S. “Development” is another naughty word that we don’t like saying much.
Boulder City has a rich history as the town that built Hoover Dam. Hoover Dam is known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Engineering World and continues to generate electricity for over one million homes. While most of the homes are located outside of Boulder City, residents continue to enjoy reliable and affordable renewable hydropower energy. That energy needs a reliable path to deliver the power to the end user.
Monday, Aug. 7, 2023. Some kids are dreading it, some parents are looking forward to it … but in my opinion, everyone should be aware of it. That is the first day of the 2023-2024 school year for the Clark County School District (CCSD)/Boulder City schools.
Mental health issues are on the rise in the United States, aren’t they? I continue to read of the loneliness that America is facing as I smile concerning my information associated with the consciousness of humankind. Loneliness is somewhat ironic, isn’t it, since there are now over 8 billion humans on Earth?
Appreciates column on justice system
I had a hard time deciding which story to lead off with here because there are a couple that are apropos. So of course, I’ll do ’em both.
As a combat-wounded, Purple Heart Vietnam War Army veteran, I’m a member of the major veterans’ organizations (including the American Legion Post 31 in Boulder City), and also a few smaller groups. When I lived in Los Angeles, I was very involved with the Disabled American Veterans and at one point was elected commander of the California DAV. I’m still a member of the Los Angeles chapter and also of a chapter in Nevada. I receive the quarterly DAV magazine, and the current issue carries an article that is of some personal interest. It was written about the former military draft, and included an interview with DAV Past National Commander Dennis Joyner.