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Nevada, Arizona bear brunt of California plan to save water

California has laid out its own proposal for how the seven states that rely on the Colorado River should conserve water, releasing its plan one day after the other six states sent their own joint proposal to the federal government.

Council to consider annexation of Eldorado Valley land

The City Council intends to begin the process for the possible annexation of a large tract of land just west of the current city limits during its meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

Solar power station terrorism suspect found incompetent

A 34-year-old man suspected in an attack on a solar power station outside Las Vegas was found incompetent to stand trial Feb. 1 and ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation at a state facility.

The Latest
Proposal aims to protect river

Six out of seven Colorado River basin states have settled on a proposed set of cuts aimed at saving the crumbling river system and preventing Lake Mead and Lake Powell from crashing — with one very notable state missing from the agreement: California.

‘Rescue Plan’ benefits city

Boulder City released data on how much of the American Rescue Plan Act funding has been spent and what it plans to do with the rest.

Commission issues first certificate of appropriateness

With little to no fanfare, Boulder City’s newly created Historic Preservation Commission issued its first certificate of appropriateness for an exterior addition to a historic property in the community.

Veterans cemetery breaks ground on expansion

Officials held a groundbreaking ceremony Jan. 25 for an expansion at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Boulder City.

Project stalls for lack of way to connect rams with cams

Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department still plans to move forward with “ram cams” in Hemenway Valley Park, but faces a significant challenge in infrastructure preventing the project from moving forward.

News Briefs, Feb. 2

Fire department recognized for lifesaving program

Parks director honored for 45 years of service

Working for the city as director of the Parks and Recreation Department is more than just a job for Roger Hall. It’s a calling and a passion.

Hardy emphasizes service, people in first State of City

Mayor Joe Hardy’s first State of the City address gave him an opportunity to showcase his abilities to unite the community, highlight the accomplishments of others and offer a glimpse into a humorous side of his personality.

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