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Yes, Boulder City, there is a Santa Claus

To say this is Charles Bullen Jr.’s busy time of the year may be a bit of an understatement.

Giving kudos to Garrett’s STUCO

Garrett JHS has a sensational Student Council and Leadership class, filled with highly motivated students and led by their dedicated teacher, Mrs. Christa May.

Early home maintenance and prep makes way for happy holidays

Wake up and smell the pumpkin spice! The holidays are coming and your home is about to go into overdrive. Now’s the time to knock out both seasonal home maintenance and holiday preparation, before the days get shorter and the to-do list gets longer.

Boulder City’s Got Talent this Saturday at library

The public is encouraged to come out to a free event, which features some of the top entertainers Boulder City has to offer.

The Latest
Afterschool clubs at Garrett Junior High

Editor’s Note: Class in Session is a new column in which Boulder City schools submit articles written by the principals, faculty or students. It will focus on programs, classes and activities within the school.

BCHS homecoming week filled with activities

Editor’s Note: This is a new weekly column submitted by Boulder City schools, written by principals, administrators, faculty or students. It will focus on events, programs or new classes at the various schools.

Runion excels at both sales and trails

Bret Runion has an uncanny knack of remembering a house he sold 30 years ago, who bought it, who sold it and in what year. And if you give him a few extra seconds, he could probably tell you the coloring of carpeting in each.

Grass removal, water waste prevention offer incentives

Walking my dogs around the neighborhood, early in the morning to beat the heat, I’ve noticed residents being mindful of water usage, taking steps to conserve in multiple ways. Several homes within a six-block radius have removed or are in the process of replacing their grass with desertscape (xeriscape) or artificial grass. Early morning watering schedules are being adhered to – before 9 a.m., for optimal lawn health and water conservation.

Damaged or disturbed asbestos in home presents health hazards

When my friend learned there was asbestos in the roof of a house he was looking to buy in Boulder City, it reminded me that the scarlet letter ‘A’ of building materials is something to be wary of when you own a home.

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