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United as a society we can make a difference

What are we waiting for? Folks complain that politicians are unethical, dishonest, disconnected from the people and individual voters don’t matter. So, whose fault is that if this statement is true?

Let’s consider Boulder City. Everyone is a part of Boulder City society. Everyone has a stake in what goes on every day. Whether you agree or not, the government is society and should work for all of Boulder City. Everyone who lives within the confines of Boulder City makes up our city’s society, and they’re not sovereign individuals who can do whatever they please. Anyone who doesn’t agree with that last sentence can find themselves a spot on the planet that has no society.

I purposely wrote this before the June 11 election because no matter the result, you are responsible. As of April 2, there were 10,430 registered voters in Boulder City. Only 3,517 or 33.72 percent turned out for the primary, and I say only because that’s a low turnout to me.

Boulder City turns out a high percentage of voters compared to other cities, but that’s not good enough. This has been my home for 24 years, and I care about what happens in Boulder City.

I get it. Not everyone has the time to be involved in us. Well, who else is going to care? It’s sad if you can’t take the time to vote in an election. There is no excuse either. If you are busy on election day, there is early voting everywhere, including Boulder City. And from the Clark County Election Department: “Any registered voter may request a mail ballot for any reason, but the request must be in writing AND must be submitted each calendar year. The exception is if you have disabilities or are age 65 or older who may make a special one-time request for a mail/absentee ballot for all future elections, thus eliminating the need for an annual request.”

So, what’s your excuse if you didn’t vote in this election? You answer that one.

People spend time, talent and money on so many things that never impact their lives, but when it comes to organizing a few hours to vote, it gets ignored. I don’t understand and probably never will why so many ignore voting.

During World War II, everyone mobilized for the war effort. All of Detroit stopped making cars and made weapons of destruction. Everyone who could work did. Women came into the workforce. The Great Depression was ended, and people had money, but you couldn’t buy cars or homes because all efforts went toward armaments for the war effort. Folks bought war bonds during the war, not before.

There was no supply of money that was dipped into by the federal government to pay for the war effort. The federal government spent money into existence for society’s single purpose. I use this example because it shows how society can be mobilized and united toward a single purpose.

What is Boulder City’s purpose today? Do you think about that? Did you think about our purpose when you cast your ballot? Or, did you ignore making any difference?

What is it that you want to see for the future of Boulder City? I know what I want. I want a small, friendly town made up of people who care about each other. I want young families and folks of all ages making Boulder City their home in houses they can afford. I want reliable utility services, caring elected city officials and employees, good streets and sidewalks, up-to-date recreational facilities and thriving businesses.

I’m convinced we can have it all if we have a purpose. If you want a large city that offers what Boulder City doesn’t have, there are plenty of those. Maybe it’s about quality and not quantity. The decision regarding what we are is yours. You either participate or you don’t. We either talk together and work out the details or we argue.

I’m a talker and want to be heard. I want everyone to talk, and I want as much discussion as humanly possible. Are we in this together or not?

Rose Ann Miele is a journalist and was public information officer for Boulder City for nine years. She can be reached at roseannrab@hotmail.com or at 702-339-9082.


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