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Together we triumph

These are the times that try men’s — and women’s — souls.

With a slight edit, it’s what Thomas Paine wrote in December 1776 about the nation’s struggle for independence against the tyranny of the British government. His words hold true today, 244 years later.

Every day — and sometimes every hour — brings a new challenge as the community, state, country and world grapple with the novel coronavirus pandemic.

With the exception of “essential businesses,” those that provide items necessary for living such as health care for people and pets, sustenance, financial services, gasoline, home improvement and, yes, even news, everything has been ordered shut down by the governor.

We have been asked to distance ourselves from others , to stay at home as much as possible. And while we aren’t prohibited from going outdoors, except in groups, it is getting more difficult to do so as park facilities and sometimes even the parks are closed.

To say this is not an easy time for anyone would be a gross understatement.

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

Again, Paine’s words from so many years ago ring true.

I have long believed that without the bad you can never truly appreciate the good.

And so, while we experience these trying times, we also see so much good happening in our community.

Neighbors are sharing their precious resources, shopping for each other and reaching out on social media to make sure their friends are OK.

Those with the ability to sew are making masks to help curb the spread of germs and to protect our first responders and health care workers.

Restaurants are adapting their businesses to make sure that people are fed, extending offers of free meals to those in need or allowing locals to purchase from their supplies/suppliers.

The staff at the Boulder City Review is doing its part, too. It is our duty to keep you up to date with the most complete and accurate information about what is happening in Boulder City.

As part of our pledge to provide you the best local news source that we possibly can, we are continually posting stories on our website, www.bouldercityreview.com, as well as providing updates and links to news on social media.

We do this as we struggle to keep our staff safe, juggling time between our homes, the office and reporting on what is happening in the community.

We hope this inspires those of you who aren’t regular readers to turn to us as a trusted news source and, hopefully, become regular readers of either our printed newspaper or electronic E-edition.

We know this is not an easy time. And we expect it will be equally challenging to return to how things were before COVID-19 — if that is even possible

We laud the efforts of everyone who is doing their part. We know in this time of social distancing that we may feel alone and isolated. But we are all in this together and together we will triumph.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.


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