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Pool adds value to community

The citizens of Boulder City are being given the opportunity to cast votes for what they value in a community. The upcoming ballot issue in regard to a new city pool runs much deeper than lap lanes and a dive tank. We are being asked to vote on community values.

If the recreation center on Colorado Street was in need of replacement or repair, would you be in favor? If the ball fields, soccer fields or tennis courts needed replacement, where would you stand? Our pool is an extension of our recreation department and it represents our Boulder City values of family, community and healthy living through recreation.

While all of the ball fields, courts and parks are available to everyone, the pool has the unique position of also being patronized by the widest range of ages and ability levels. Our pool’s Parent Baby Tot classes are offered to children as young as 6 months of age and their parents. Our Red Cross Learn to Swim classes, preswim team and summer league programs are all designed for our youth. Our Masters swim classes are a combination of skill and stamina development for adults.

The pool’s programming goes all year with the highest demand in the summer, with frequent wait lists. Our lessons are limited by pool space and instructor availability.

Adults of all ages sign up for our low-impact, high-impact and deep-water aerobic classes. The low-impact classes appeal to those newly venturing into fitness, those recovering from injuries, those in need of a fitness alternative that is easy on the joints and elderly adults (as old as 92) — often parking their walkers at the side of the pool before getting in.

High-impact and deep-water classes have become so popular that extra classes are often added to accommodate more patrons. Not only do these classes provide fitness, but they provide a community of friends that check in on and support one another.

Through the years, many of our young swimmers progress up through lessons and move on to join the Boulder City Henderson swim team. Some swimmers join for competition, some for exercise, and some join as an alternative to after-school Safe Key.

Yes, many residents of Boulder City have their own pools, but our Boulder City pool is an important part of our community. What would the Fourth of July be without the coin toss? With relay races and limbo contests, summer game days are a perfect break from the heat.

Cardboard boat races are another long-standing summer tradition with prizes, trophies and dignitaries. The end-of-season Soggy Doggy event caters to our animal lovers.

On top of these events, local youth organizations such as the Scouts use the pool for earning badges.

It is easy to see our pool as a redundancy based on the number of private pools in town, but as a former pool employee who taught residents from babies to adults for over 10 years, I see the Boulder City pool as a resource available to every resident.

I see our pool as a community teaching and passing on skills and safety lessons. I see our pool as a gathering place for fitness and friendship. I see unique, special events that just can’t happen in a backyard.

Without a new pool, this may all be lost. Your vote in favor of a new pool is a vote for strengthening our recreation department and its commitment to serving our community.

The opinions expressed above belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of the Boulder City Review. They have been edited solely for grammar, spelling and style, and have not been checked for accuracy of the viewpoints.

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