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College not only option

Most folks have heard the joke about a doctor summoning a plumber for an emergency home repair. The doctor is shocked at the hourly labor charge and says, “That is more than I earn as a physician.” The plumber grins and replies, “I know. I used to be a physician.”

Daltry’s success as musician falters on film

Roger Daltrey of the legendary rock band The Who came through Boulder City in 1996 to film what can easily be considered one of the worst movies of all time. Daltrey’s career with The Who has been filled with accomplishment after accomplishment, including being inducted into the Rock &Roll Hall of Fame, the UK Music Hall of Fame and having seven albums noted on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Daltrey’s career as an actor, however, has been plagued not by a lack of talent but unfortunate script choices.

City’s expanding waste line worth bragging about

Just over two weeks ago, the Southern Nevada Health District approved Boulder City’s latest application to expand our landfill. This is the second expansion permit that I’ve helped the city to procure during my tenure on the SNHD board.

States not as united as they once were

In a few short days we will be celebrating the Fourth of July. I usually watch the preparations on Utah Street and then walk along to Broadbent Park to enjoy the festivities.

Dam serves as backdrop for many performers

In 1969, one of Las Vegas’ brightest names had a memorable television appearance, only it wasn’t from Vegas; it was on top of the Hoover Dam. Actor and musician Sammy Davis Jr. came through Boulder City before crossing over to the Hoover Dam, film crew in tow, to perform in a taped variety TV special titled “Frank Sinatra Jr. with Family and Friends.” The television special ran in October 1969 but was filmed in May of the same year.

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Integrity: the election’s deepest takeaway

Although opposition to growth emerged as the issue driving last week’s election, incumbents on the City Council would be wise to recognize a deeper takeaway: Citizens are demanding integrity and professionalism in our city’s governance. This lesson should inform every decision that comes before the City Council in the coming days and months.

USO helps military as they travel, return to civilian life

The general public knows the combination of letters “USO.” Many even know the type of work the USO is involved in. But if one were to ask those individuals what the letters stand for, and where the organization is located in Southern Nevada, the answer might just involve a blank stare unless the person being questioned is involved with the local military or veterans community.

Let’s get serious about attainable housing

Money has never meant much to me. Guess I was brought up to think that money was a necessity to pay bills and buy groceries.

Make time to thank your dad

Father’s Day is celebrated on June 18 this year. To me, Father’s Day always seemed a faint echo of Mother’s Day that we celebrated last month. But where and how did this holiday begin as I don’t remember celebrating it when I was young?

In elections, losses are sometimes wins

I love elections. Being able to have a say in who our leaders will be is wonderful, and I feel blessed to be a part of it. The experience at the polls is exactly what elections should be all about. You get to see your fellow citizens, generally who are kind and full of the camaraderie that you are both helping to shape the future.

Baxter’s inventions shine as bright as film career

Actor Warner Baxter was widely known for his role as the Cisco Kid in the movie “In Old Arizona.” He was one of Hollywood’s top paid actors in the 1930s, too. But what people usually don’t know about Baxter is that he also was an inventor whose contributions to the gun industry are still widely regarded. People also forget that Baxter came through Boulder City for a 1933 movie titled “I Loved You Wednesday.”

Decisions must be based on fact, not fallacy

Over time, you’ve heard my repeated plea that we need to elevate our political dialogue to ever higher levels, avoiding personal attacks and other forms of incivility which only serve to circumvent the real issues and mask the truth.

All About Community

An afternoon outing for local residents was provided by members of the Boulder City Community Alliance on Saturday in Bicentennial Park. Among those attending and helping out were, from left, Judith Hoskins, Bill McElree and Sharon Lazar.

Honor the war dead by serving

On Monday, please remember Memorial Day is more than the end of a three-day weekend celebrating summer’s arrival. The true meaning fades with each passing year, probably due to two events: the National Holiday Act of 1971 (making Memorial Day a three-day weekend) and the end of the military draft in 1973.

Karloff made city his temporary home

Before he played Baron Victor von Frankenstein for Allied Artists International’s 1958 independent film “Frankenstein 1970,” William Henry Pratt aka Boris Karloff was living in Boulder City seeking a divorce from his wife, Dorothy Stein. According to the book “Boris Karloff: A Bio-Bibliography” by Beverley Bare Buehrer, Karloff married Stein, a librarian, years earlier when he was a bit actor. With fame rising, and a girlfriend on the side, Karloff headed to Nevada for a quickie divorce.

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