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Letters to the Editor, June 6

Leave ‘nasty’ politics out of our community

You know you are in trouble when you have a mayor who thinks it is OK to try to fool you into thinking he has (Councilman Warren) Harhay’s endorsement when he does not. Compare the nasty advertisements his committee has put in the paper compared to his competitor. Do we want nasty politics in our small town? Is being mayor worth dishonestly trying to fool people for it? It is pretty obvious to me who is the better man.

Elizabeth Powell

Off-highway vehicles don’t belong on city streets

In my neighborhood, there are two houses with yard signs that say “Vote YES on 4.” I did not have a clue what (ballot Question) 4 involved until I received the sample ballot last week. Upfront, I have no interest for or against (off-highway vehicles).

No. 4 is not a monetary issue. Nobody will give away free stuff to buy your vote; nor will you be taxed. Ballot Question 4 is a quality-of-life issue. Permit me to add my local experience with OHV people. I spend a lot of time at my workshop in the Boat House II facilities on Wells Road. There are two units where OHVs are built, stored and maintained.

No. 1 neighbor repairs and maintains vehicles. He has a treadmill that allows the vehicle to run at high speed while stationary. The noise is deafening; OHVs have no mufflers.

No. 2 neighbor assembles OHVs. Every morning the inventory spills onto the common area. It has become a zero-cost extension to his unit. He also owns a huge custom-made tractor-trailer RV. It has become a permanent structure parked on Wells Road — a zero-cost storage area on Boulder City’s public streets.

These two people don’t give a darn how they inconvenience others.

Go read page 21 of the sample ballot: “discourteous OHV operators.” If they are permitted to use Boulder City streets, they will bring their noise, dust and boorish behavior closer to our residential areas. When they invite their out-of-town buddies to enjoy the free stuff it will become intolerable.

Vote no on Question 4.

Curtis Clark

Officials’ voting records important when going to polls

I researched the voting record for the council members and have compiled the following information for your review. Due to word allocations, these are statements and not complete sentences and are my opinion. As readers of the Boulder City Review I hope this will help you in making your decisions in the upcoming election.

Agenda items Council(man Kiernan) McManus voted nay and (Mayor Rod) Woodbury, (Councilwoman Peggy) Leavitt and (Councilman Rich) Shuman vote aye:

01/23/18: 6(c), property sale. Direct city attorney to draft ballot question for the sale of the water filtration and old airport hangar.

02/13/18; 7 and 8(a-b), airport and map. Bill 1822, Airport rules and regulations (name only) and Resolution 6735, approving tentative map (conditional).

02/13/18; 8(c), Adams Boulevard and Bristlecone Drive. Resolution 6736. Approving the vacation of an easement.

02/13/18; 12(b), Obtain appraisals for old animal shelter.

02/27/18; 10, Employment. Resolution 6742. Approving employment with Alfonso Noyola.

02/27/18; 12, Fire engine. Resolution 6745. Motion with respect to fire truck ballot question.

02/27/18; 12, Property sale. Resolution 6747. Selling of property.

02/27/18; 11, Employment. City attorney employment agreement amendments and contract approval.

03/13/18; 8, Land/subdivision. Resolution 6754. Final map for Unit 1 Boulder Hill Estates, single family subdivision at 1201 Adams Boulevard.

07/10/18; 6, Water. Resolution 6801. Approving an agreement with Douglas Beavers for an individual water supply agreement located at 14555 S. U.S. Highway 95.

08/28/18; 10, Dump. Bill 1829. Agreement with Waste Logistics Nevada through 2031.

09/25/18; 8, BCTV. Resolution 6834. Repealing and replacing Resolution 2791 and adopting a new policy for BCTV.

10/09/18; 9, Committee. Amendment tabled; staff to come back within 90 days after the utility department director is in place with recommendations regarding creation of committee.

11/27/18; 16, Financial. Approve Fiscal Year 2019-2020 capital improvement plan.

11/27/18; 17, Appointment. Reappoint Randy Schams for four years expiring 9/30/22 to the Combined Board of Appeals.

Jerry Hughes

Alliance brought people who think alike together

There seems to be some confusion about the Boulder City Community Alliance. It is not a cult or a political action committee. It was founded a few years ago by two amazing young women to counteract the mayor’s push for major commercial development in the Eldorado Valley and the attack on our controlled-growth ordinance. Both women happen to be Republicans, but in a time of ugly, tribal, national politics, they have successfully brought people together to defend the town we love.

Don’t be distracted by attempts to divide us. Vote (Kiernan) McManus, (James Howard) Adams and (Claudia) Bridges to defend our open lands and controlled growth.

Nicola Collins

New pool good investment for community’s future

“Why should I have to pay school taxes? You’re not my kid!” the man says.

The kid’s reply is “No, but some day I could be your doctor.”

Boulder City voters should not be that “old guy” when it comes to voting on our pool or about our library when that renovation question returns to the ballot.

I believe that I’ll get my money’s worth from a new pool because new generations of kids will learn enough to prevent family or friends from drowning, have a safe local destination for exercise and play, and get more college opportunities or scholarships thanks to team water sports. A new water recreation facility will help draw families to Boulder City. A new facility will save our residents — young families and seniors alike — the 20-mile highway round trip to Henderson they otherwise take without a facility here in Boulder City.

There are two ballot questions about the new pool complex. The first is for money to complete its design and the second is for bonds to fund building it. The design step can review “life cycle cost” to fine tune the project. This approach seeks design choices with long-term savings from durability and ease of maintenance. A review for ease of construction to save building costs also fits into this approach. Money will be saved with the right design process, without removing features from the new facility. With a good design we can afford the pool and all its benefits for our community.

Jay Piper

Take time to learn about, meet all candidates

I was surprised to see an ad in the Boulder City Review that contained errors and misleading statements about City Council candidates. For the past few weeks, I’ve attended candidate’s forums to educate myself for the coming election. I’d like to share some corrections — things I learned by talking with candidates and confirmed with online research.

The ad writer stated that he wasn’t aware of anything that City Council candidate Claudia Bridges had done to help Boulder City. (Bridges) has been working as a volunteer with Emergency Aid of Boulder City for over four years. She is currently their grant coordinator and treasurer. She also worked with the (Boulder City) Chamber of Commerce on strategic marketing processes and served as the Boulder City representative to the Clark County Community Development Advisory Committee.

That same ad dismissed James Howard Adams as a “nice young man going to college.” Adams graduated from college almost a decade ago. But frankly that seems irrelevant. I’ve been more interested in what Adams has to say about the issues. At the last forum, Adams talked about how the utility rate increase has hit the poorest residents of Boulder City hardest because of the way it is structured (with much of the increase in the form of service fees). Adams also questioned why the city spent $800,000 to sue its own citizens in what the Nevada Supreme Court ruled to be a SLAPP suit — a strategic lawsuit against public participation. That’s something I’ve wondered, too.

It’s not difficult to learn about the candidates. Go by the (Boulder Dam) Credit Union on a Friday and meet them in person, read about them in the newspaper, look them up online or do all of the above. I hope everyone will take the time to find out about the candidates firsthand.

Pat Murphy

Political process needs more togetherness

This past Saturday night under a beautiful May night sky, we were blessed to have our annual event “BC’s Got Talent” performed in the library amphitheater. And once again, the audience was not disappointed. We were entertained by 28 acts that included singers and dancers from 5 years old to 85 years young; Irish step dancing and a Polynesian princess; dueling pianos; violins and ukuleles; a father and son duet, a cowboy poet and even a tear-filled experience as a young lady shared a touching song in tribute to her deceased grandfather.

But it was somewhere in the middle of the evening that I realized something was missing. The “us” and “them” weren’t here.

As with past political seasons, our great little town has a way of pushing itself to the edge of communal destruction by folks that have adapted an “us vs. them” point of view. The lines of demarcation are marked very clearly by our T-shirts, our vehicles with our magnetic signs and, of course, our yard signs and shirt buttons that ask you to vote for “our candidate.”

But this letter isn’t about that; or rather, it is about that. You see, all of the “us vs. them” evaporated completely for 2½ hours Saturday night. For that 150 minutes, there was only we. A united we of perhaps as many as 300 Boulder City residents, all together, enjoying our community’s varied but great talent, sharing popcorn and sodas together, eating fried chicken from Albertsons or sandwiches made at home.

For that time we were all together, shoulder to shoulder. It was a beautiful night. There was no “us” vs. “them.” Why can’t we apply that principle to our political process, if we really want to live up to our reputation as a great place to live?

Kevin O’Keefe

Success of barbecue fest relies on volunteers

Memorial Day weekend, the Rotary Club of Boulder City produced the 15th annual Best Dam Barbecue Challenge. This is our club’s main fundraiser for the year and goes a long way to help fund the charities and community services that Rotary supports.

The event saw 29 competitors from around the country, 49 judges from all over the West and many people from the community helping out. This event would not be possible without the efforts of our club members and many volunteers. As president, I particularly wish to thank incoming president and event chairman Larry Archuleta; information booth and volunteer coordinator Susan Johnson; grill masters Dale Ryan and Andy Anderson; information booth volunteers Chuck Cave, Dody Nesmith, Linda Graham and Maylen Mosquera; entertainment coordinator Christine Romero; Kids’ Que coordinator Rev. Sandy Johnson; event logistics coordinator Chuck Cave; club treasurer George Rosenbaum; judging logistics coordinator and registrar of competitors, judges and vendors Myra Davis; Dawn Green and all our friends from Sunrise Rotary for staffing the beer and margarita booth; Boulder City Police Department Explorers, who provided security and muscle work (along with BCPD officers); Rainbow Girls, the “muscle crew”; Pride and Purity girls, and Garrett Middle School Interact Club, which helped with cleanup.

The danger here is that somebody always gets left out in the thanks. If I’ve failed to mention anyone, I apologize but truly appreciate your help. This year’s Best Dam Barbecue Challenge was one of the better ones, in terms of smoothness.

Also my thanks to the city’s electrical, parks and recreation and community development departments and the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, all of which helped in the preliminary stages and during the event.

Finally, my thanks to our families, friends and neighbors around the park and everyone who attended and enjoyed the fun, entertainment and food.

We’re looking forward to the 16th annual Best Dam Barbecue Challenge on Memorial Day weekend next year.

Duncan R. McCoy, President

Rotary Club of Boulder City

Help decorating veterans’ graves appreciated

The American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 31 of Boulder City, would like to thank the following volunteers for helping to decorate graves of veterans that are buried at the Boulder City Cemetery:

Chuck Gebhart, Katie Gebhart, Shelby Gebhart, Valerie Chapman, Gloria Corlstor, Boy Scout Troop 7, Robert Hartman, Stephen Abramswale, Bill and Charm McElree, Kiernan McManus, Kim Efferty, Ron Efferty, the Irwin family, the Green family, Margie McCay, Michelle and Ivan Peterson, Dean Leas, Jon and Norma Barth, Elizabeth Kesler, Camryn Huff, Denise Huff, Dawn Walker, Joan McCartney, David Mulligan and Joe Rowe.

Thanks again for your service to the community, especially taking care of fallen veterans.

Linda Graham

President, Unit 31

Thanks to Rants, team of plumbers for job well done

Just a great big shout-out to Chuck Rants and his team who worked at our house on Don Vincente Drive here in Boulder City. Rants came over and took a look at what needed to be done, and come Monday morning at 8, they (the team) were here.

They were respectful; not only of us, but our possessions. I have never seen a harder working team of men. (They) just kept on carrying out 5-gallon buckets of dirt in and out — working with dirt, concrete and ancient pipes. They always cleaned up after themselves. They gave us a time they would be here the next day and always showed up.

We just wanted to say thanks again guys.

Don and Jennie Avon

Keep Woodbury, McManus on council for city’s benefit

Are you undecided in the local election? Do you and your friends have different views? Some of my friends have different views as we have discussed this election over the past months. Some have moved their vote to Mayor (Rod) Woodbury based on the overall experience, accomplishments and years of dedication to our community. The city is in the best shape we have seen in recent years.

But if you are undecided and wish to keep (Kiernan) McManus on the City Council, you can vote to re-elect Woodbury, and McManus will retain his seat on the City Council. They each have one vote as mayor and councilman. You can have both working for you and not lose Woodbury’s valuable experience and dedication to our Boulder City community.

In the future, my hope is that candidates will share their vision, state the facts and not engage in disparaging other candidates that simply confuse the voter.

Be kind, be Boulder.

Peggy Caspar

Conspiracy theory doesn’t become true with retelling

In his latest ad in the Boulder City Review, (Kiernan) McManus has the temerity to complaint about “mudslinging” while his minions are the ones who continuously make vicious personal attacks online against Mayor (Rod) Woodbury and his family He also continues to make vague claims about growth. I assume that the reason he does not get specific about the growth issue is that the only time he did it was with the pipeline issue, and he was embarrassed by the truth, which was published the following week.

Yet, despite all of the factual rebuttals that have been spoken, published and posted online, McManus supporters continue their dishonest effort to sell their wild conspiracy theory that the real reason for the water pipeline being extended into the Eldorado Valley is to provide service to future commercial growth near the Interstate 11 interchange.

The truth is that the pipeline is being paid for almost entirely by the solar companies for additional water for their facilities, and no other use is permitted. Furthermore, the City Council never even voted on the former city manager’s theoretical concept for development near I-11. The final nail in the coffin of this deceitful claim is that Councilman McManus voted to authorize the pipeline project at least twice, once to award the bid and then to approve the contract with the pipeline construction company.

McManus, please tell your supporters to stop treating Boulder City voters like they are children who can be duped into believing a big lie if it is repeated often enough. Unfortunately, that has been typical of what they have done throughout the campaign.

Mike Guccione

I’m a mean one, Mr. Grinch

It was Friday and I had been deeply involved for more than an hour in a discussion with the band’s new keyboard player sorting out who was playing what on each of the 25 or so songs for the unit’s first public gig coming up in just a bit more than five weeks after this issue hits the street. And I suddenly realized I was sitting in my garage with a guitar in my lap in the dark.

The right to be heard

I’m not here to tell you which candidates or ballot measures to vote for on Nov. 5.

Voters to dive into ballot question next month

It’s widely known that the existing Boulder City Municipal Pool is out of date with current building standards, inefficient and faces structural challenges in the coming years, if not sooner.

Festival epitomizes generous spirit

Fall officially arrived last month. That means its time for a long-time tradition for Boulder City residents: Art in the Park.

Simple acts of kindness go a long way

I thought about the content of this column at around 2 a.m. I had woken up and for about an hour I wrote it in my head.

Vinyl put the magic in the music

At some point last week (probably on Tuesday, which is typically our longest day here at the Review), as has happened many times before, I heard Ron say, “How about some music?”

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

The Least of These

A good friend of mine recently told me about a sorry situation that he felt should never happen in Boulder City. An elderly man was discovered dead in his home. Authorities concluded he had passed away months before he was ever discovered. “How could that happen right under our noses?!” he exclaimed. “Not here. Not in Boulder City.”

Don’t mess with our pets

Last month, Boulder City Animal Control responded to a local resident who found an abandoned, critically injured 10-week-old puppy in an alleyway. The rottweiler-mix was immediately transported to the Boulder City Animal Hospital and treated for a dislocated jaw, eye and facial damage, and missing teeth. The puppy has undergone several surgical procedures, and one of his eyes had to be removed.