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Letters to the Editor

A concrete plan

As a local general contractor, I can attest to the recent rise in construction costs (20% overall post-COVID). In the pre-COVID era we saw construction costs parallel the consumer price index (CPI) with exception to fuel cost spikes and an occasional forest fire.

Post-COVID, however, has shown construction costs substantially outpacing the current record-high inflation. And the leader of that pack is concrete. Three years ago, I paid $69 a yard for delivered wet mix. Today we’re at $132-140 per yard and we were just notified of a price increase coming in September. That’s a 100% increase in three years compared to the industry’s 20% and inflation’s 8%.

Our pool is going to take a helluva a lot of concrete. Any and all creative solutions for supplying concrete to our pool build should be considered prior to going to contract.

Don Rodriguez,

Boulder City

Displeased with hangar issue

Why is our City Council asking people on fixed incomes to subsidize some of the most affluent members of our community? The tenants of our airport hangars were given a sweet deal 30 years ago to help establish our new airport. Their lease is such a great deal that many of them are subletting their hangars for more than 10 times what they pay the city in rent!

Obviously, they are reluctant to give up this lucrative opportunity and they contributed generously to our present Council’s election (except Matt Fox), all of which is a matter of public record. Unfortunately, none of our Council have disclosed these contributions or recused themselves from voting on this issue.

The hangar tenants all signed a contract with the city and were well aware that after 30 years the hangars would revert to the city and they would be charged market prices to continue the leases. There are over 180 people on a waiting list to lease a hangar at our airport who are willing to pay those prices.

Nevada Revised Statutes and our own City Charter compel our Council to lease the hangars at market value, not to mention the FAA, who funds improvements at our airport. Let’s have a town hall and find out why hanger tenants, many of whom do not even live in Boulder City, should be offered these long-term contracts (20 years) below market value?

Our Council already has a bizarre record of paying out huge settlements to people who were losing their court cases with the city. It does seem a bit tone deaf to be raising our utility rates while subsidizing people who own airplanes…

Maybe they think we won’t notice and maybe they are right!

Nicola Collins, Boulder City

I’m a mean one, Mr. Grinch

It was Friday and I had been deeply involved for more than an hour in a discussion with the band’s new keyboard player sorting out who was playing what on each of the 25 or so songs for the unit’s first public gig coming up in just a bit more than five weeks after this issue hits the street. And I suddenly realized I was sitting in my garage with a guitar in my lap in the dark.

The right to be heard

I’m not here to tell you which candidates or ballot measures to vote for on Nov. 5.

Voters to dive into ballot question next month

It’s widely known that the existing Boulder City Municipal Pool is out of date with current building standards, inefficient and faces structural challenges in the coming years, if not sooner.

Festival epitomizes generous spirit

Fall officially arrived last month. That means its time for a long-time tradition for Boulder City residents: Art in the Park.

Simple acts of kindness go a long way

I thought about the content of this column at around 2 a.m. I had woken up and for about an hour I wrote it in my head.

Vinyl put the magic in the music

At some point last week (probably on Tuesday, which is typically our longest day here at the Review), as has happened many times before, I heard Ron say, “How about some music?”

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

The Least of These

A good friend of mine recently told me about a sorry situation that he felt should never happen in Boulder City. An elderly man was discovered dead in his home. Authorities concluded he had passed away months before he was ever discovered. “How could that happen right under our noses?!” he exclaimed. “Not here. Not in Boulder City.”

Don’t mess with our pets

Last month, Boulder City Animal Control responded to a local resident who found an abandoned, critically injured 10-week-old puppy in an alleyway. The rottweiler-mix was immediately transported to the Boulder City Animal Hospital and treated for a dislocated jaw, eye and facial damage, and missing teeth. The puppy has undergone several surgical procedures, and one of his eyes had to be removed.