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Letters to the Editor

Many questions surround sales, licensing of marijuana, businesses

My wife and I have lived in Boulder City since 1990, both kids graduating from Boulder City High School. We have had a home in Frisco, Colorado, since 2013, so we have become familiar (via newspaper articles only) with the legalization of pot and how the different small mountain cities west of Denver are handling it. While growing up in the ’60s our occupations kept us from the craze so we don’t indulge, but supported legalization. We have no dog in the fight.

It’s not a coincidence that three small retail liquor stores have opened in Boulder City in the past year or two, since (as I understand it) the new law will license pot sales first in established retail liquor stores. Nothing says Boulder City owes them pot licenses.

My opinion: We can’t legally, physically keep pot out of the city and I think we should somehow share in the tax revenue generated. If (big if) Boulder City’s share in tax revenue from pot uses the same formula as our share of retail sales tax in Clark County, and requires that Boulder City sells pot within its boundaries, we need to think about licensing its sale.

The mountain communities around me in Colorado have restricted retail sales establishments to certain areas of the city, so we should do the same, establishing a “pot zone” perhaps around Foothill Drive, Industrial Road, etc.

Will pot merchants move up there? Do our in-city sales amounts determine our tax revenue? If sales are allowed, do we physically have to have an operating pot vendor in Boulder City? Investigate, investigate, investigate before you vote on any law.

Licensing is a hot potato that anyone wishing for multiple terms on the City Council might be hesitant to support — even if it means lost revenue. I hope they at least investigate the attached issues.

Bob Toth

Councilman’s help solving problem appreciated

As a 23-year resident of the northeast end of Wyoming Street in Boulder City, I have enjoyed the quiet and the quail that come with living literally across the street from the desert. That is until dirt bikes, quads and even cars and trucks decided to go offroading through that desert (against very visible posted signs prohibiting), entering directly across from my home, spewing gravel and rocks into the air.

As one might guess, this has caused thousands of dollars of damage to my home and vehicles that are parked on the street. When speaking to neighbors, they told similar stories of both noise and damage, so I knew the problem wasn’t just my own, and it was time to try to do something about it.

I took my complaint to city Councilman Cam Walker, who had advised me in an unrelated issue years before. Among other options, we discussed putting up a barrier of boulders like the ones around the corner on River Mountain Avenue.

Several weeks later, city trucks and workers arrived, placing boulders onto the desert “entrance” blocking access to larger vehicles, and slowing access to smaller ones. Now, large rocks that, to my knowledge, came from the Interstate 11 project and were destined for landfill, are now repurposed for the safety and beautification of Wyoming Street.

I am sincerely grateful to Councilman Walker for his time and effort with this knowing his busy schedule during campaign season.

Ed Hulbert

Bring spirit of spring to those who remain indoors most of the time

I am known as the sage of Boulder City and I sometimes sit in the park to contemplate and observe the sunshine, songbirds, shade trees and the pretty ladies wearing shorts. This is the recipe for summertime.

This time of year I am reminded of the fun song by Gary Lewis that was a hit when I was about 10 years old. “Green Grass ’round my window; young leaves that the wind blows. Yes, it’s springtime, golden sunshine, and we’re glad my little love and I; now that summertime is nigh.”

We anticipate springtime as we look out our windows. But sadly, too often this time of year can be a mocking reminder to the elderly who feel abandoned in assisted living facilities or even in their own homes and apartments. As they longingly gaze out their windows, they often feel as though time has passed them by. Springtime means more loneliness to them.

Let’s remember to visit those who are ill and alone. Bring back the spirit of springtime in their lives. The true meaning of springtime will be revealed to you when you bring good cheer to others.

Bobby Morrow

Voting yes on ballot question will help our local schools

I’m voting yes on Question No. 1. Having lived in Boulder City for almost 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to see firsthand what makes it special. Lately, however, I’ve been faced with the harsh realization that the city my family had the privilege to grow up in is changing.

This past year I served on the school organizational team for Boulder City High School. My initial reason for doing so was to give back to the school that had given so much to my children. But I was completely taken aback by the serious decisions of cutting teaching and administrative positions that our high school faces every year. The reason for these hard choices is the dwindling number of BCHS students.

Further investigation revealed that all four of our schools are at an all-time low enrollment and have been declining in numbers for the past 10-plus years.

How does this affect our community? Part of what makes our city unique lies in its very heart — our schools. Children in this community graduate alongside the same kids they attended kindergarten with. And, unlike over the hill, they still graduate on their own familiar football field rather than in somebody else’s impersonal arena.

But we need to provide better opportunities for young families to buy into our community and keep alive the very schools we love and support.

I support our controlled-growth ordinance; it has kept us from overexpanding. However, as currently written, it’s also keeping us from replenishing. We need to redefine our numbers within the current ordinance to encourage builders to construct quality, affordable homes. We need options for our young families to keep our community diversified.

If we continue down the path we’re currently travelling, our schools will become mere skeletons with limited options for our children. Let’s allow our schools to thrive once more and do their jobs, instead of cutting jobs. Please vote yes on 1.

Sherri Jorgensen

Yes on ballot question will help keep town healthy

When my husband and I lived on the lake side of Boulder City, we witnessed our magnificent Lake Mead drop to historic low levels. The white bathtub ring around its perimeter serves as a constant reminder of the difference in the lake’s level. We felt frustrated, even panicky, because we were unable to do anything to end the drought.

Likewise, we are beginning to see some alarming changes in our charming little town. Closed grocery stores, restaurants, dwindling school enrollment and a steady loss of young families moving into our community serve as reminders that our town is virtually not growing.

No one wants a flood of uncontrolled growth that would change our identity as a town. But most of us would like to return closer to what we once were, a family-friendly town on a solid tax base which would maintain our deteriorating utilities, allow for the constant upkeep of our streets and upgrade some of our recreational facilities.

Unlike the drought, we can do something about the “no growth” trends that we see happening. At this time, we have approximately 75 acres of land available to developers. All of these 75 acres have already been approved by the voters of Boulder City to be developed. The sale of any more land, over an acre, would have to be voted on by the people of Boulder City.

There has been a tremendous amount of hyperbole regarding Ballot Question No. 1 by some residents in our community. But the simple truth is that this initiative does not change the control of growth in our town. This initiative only speeds up the development of land which is already going to be developed anyway. Growth is still in the hands of the voters. The choice is yours.

Peggy Leavitt

Boulder City Councilwoman

Trash talk isn’t always a bad thing

Allow me to warn you that this month’s Home Matters is filled with all kinds of trash talk. In fact, I’ve been trash talking with the city and BC Wastefree for a few days now. Why all this garbage gab? It’s time to take out the trash, properly.

Legislative season almost here

Ahhh… it is a wonderful time of year. Spring is just around the corner. The sun shines longer, the birds are singing, and plants are blooming. It is a magical time of year!


Last night I caught a few minutes of “Wheel of Fortune” and whenever I do, I can’t help but think back to my time in Hawaii when the show came over to film a few weeks’ worth of episodes at the Hilton Waikoloa Village about 15 years ago.

A little late and clueless but still…

I know, I know, I know. I’m a week late for Valentine’s Day content. But my timing has always sucked. Just ask my wife.

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

A penny for your thoughts, compounded daily

When my oldest son, Joseph, turned 18 in 2011, a good family friend gifted him a self-help book by Darren Hardy called “The Compound Effect.” It’s all about achieving success one baby step at a time. My six other children loathed that gift, because my wife, Leslie, then proceeded to preach its principles seemingly ad nauseam over the next five years every opportunity she could find.

We Empower … We Enrich

Empowering our People, Enriching our City: the theme of the State of the City Address.

Getting locked out of house triggers DIY project

Anyone who’s ever accidentally locked themselves out of their house knows that sinking feeling. But locked out while barefoot and in pajamas? That’s the makings of a funny story, however unfunny it appears in the moment.

A look at growth in Boulder City

Due to the Clark County School District’s Change of School Assignment program (COSA) as well as declining resident enrollment, a large percentage of the school’s enrollment comes from outside of Boulder City. For the high school, out of the 618 students, 29%, or 179 kids, come from elsewhere, mostly from Henderson.