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Letter to the Editor: Setting the record straight

Setting the record straight

Regarding information stated in the Boulder City Review on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024, in an article titled “Dog Park Slated to Reopen Oct. 31.”

As a member of the “See Spot Run” Community I would like to clarify and correct stated comments.

We are not a privately-run organization. We are a 501-C-3 nonprofit, that receives funding from donations and grants. Our mission is to advocate and provide an acceptable environment for the dogs of Boulder City. In future articles we would appreciate being referred to as See Spot Run Nonprofit Dog Park and the Parks and Recreation facility as the “Boulder City Dog Park” when referencing the different entities.

The grass issue is often brought up and there has been a long history of misinformation concerning the surfacing issues at our location. We are acutely aware of the tenuous state of water supply in our area. The substantial level of maintenance and the prohibitive cost of Boulder City municipal water supply needed for grass, requires funds. Our all-volunteer group is dedicated to supplying the very best environment for our “doggie families” and will continue to work at raising the funds necessary to succeed in our mission.

Margaret and Robert Kolar would be proud that their dream of a dog park is being kept alive by Sandra, Reg, Sara, Don and our generous donors and volunteers.

If you would like “The Rest of the Story,” information or are interested in donating or volunteering, please reach out to us at 725-272-9013.

Maureen Avery,

Boulder City

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