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Letter to the Editor

City’s growth fine as is it now

In regards to things involving Boulder City and its caretakers, I have been told that one or even more of the candidates (for City Council) aspire to increase what seems to have been successful in the past, limiting the housing development. My opinion is that our growth has been adequate.

Furthermore, it has been with these city laws that has made our development without the regretful features seen, and very costly, that we have on the other side of Railroad Pass.

I fear that we have candidates running who, if elected, would like to be involved directly or indirectly in this development, and that this would not be in the best interests of the average citizen. Please know that I am only an average citizen and recuse myself in these politics and manipulation therein.

We cannot elect officials who are willing to dishonor their posture in the various ways that can be made possible once elected. This lovely city became very comfortable and scenic because we have growth laws limiting what these folks aspiring office advocate directly, or regretfully otherwise. I have had conversations with a few candidates who say the likes of “Things have changed and now we need an accelerated, but certainly growth patterns. This will make our taxes go down. It will cause us to improve our safety and so much more.”

My opinion remains as it was when I moved here 18 years ago. We are doing just fine with our growth rate and with reliable city officials we can continue. Regretfully, electing folks who want to benefit financially through rapid growth, and who may be indirectly but successfully involved, will produce for us costly growth in the long run.

Please give thought to the people who want modernization, especially when they imply they are in it “for us average citizens,” whom they pledge to protect. Historically, it is always otherwise, crappy and costly; some would even say crooked. I’m 81 now; I’ve moved three times and seen it happen.

Robert Campbell

A very taxing situation

“You must pay taxes. But there’s no law that says you gotta leave a tip.” – Morgan Stanley

Strategic plan benefits Boulder City

There is an old saying that claims, “What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get done.”

A close call

What comes around, goes around

As many of you know, I grew up in Boulder City, moved away for more than 35 years and then returned in April of last year when offered the job of editor of the Review.

I’m a mean one, Mr. Grinch

It was Friday and I had been deeply involved for more than an hour in a discussion with the band’s new keyboard player sorting out who was playing what on each of the 25 or so songs for the unit’s first public gig coming up in just a bit more than five weeks after this issue hits the street. And I suddenly realized I was sitting in my garage with a guitar in my lap in the dark.

The right to be heard

I’m not here to tell you which candidates or ballot measures to vote for on Nov. 5.

Voters to dive into ballot question next month

It’s widely known that the existing Boulder City Municipal Pool is out of date with current building standards, inefficient and faces structural challenges in the coming years, if not sooner.