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Hali Bernstein Saylor

Editor or juggler? It’s often the same

I have come to believe that in addition to my title as editor of the Boulder City Review I need to add master juggler.

Mine the sunshine, make history

Nevada is known for many things, wide open spaces and abundant sunshine among them.

Who to help? That’s a $10 million question

At last week’s budget workshop, Councilman Rich Shuman suggested the city allocate $1 million a year for the next 10 years and give those funds to Boulder City schools.

City is true winner in contested election

Elections are always exciting times around newspaper offices — no matter how big or small the office is.

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Flip plan gets well-earned A

“I love it when a plan comes together.” So said John “Hannibal” Smith, the leader of the A-team, made famous by the eponymous movie and television series.

More than spring flowers make city beautiful place to be

Spring arrived Monday. Along with the beautiful weather and colorful flowers, Boulder City is blossoming with the spirit of kindness and helping others.

Railway vital to city’s past, future

Trains have been a part of Boulder City’s history practically since it’s very first days. So it makes perfect sense that they will help transport the city into a healthy future.

Robotics club turns kids into superheroes

There’s a new group of superheroes in town, complete with capes — even if it’s just on the mascot on their T-shirts.

’Tis the season for campaigning

Ah, it’s that wonderful time of year. The days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter and the sky seems bluer.

Festival dam good solution to what ails you

Similar to the theory of trickle-down economics — which says that benefits for the wealthy will eventually “trickle down” to everyone else — the divisive spirit of November’s presidential election continues to linger and seems to have affected practically everything.

Tale of closed grocery store fishy

It appears something fishy is happening with Boulder City’s closed grocery store. And we’re not talking about the shrimp, oysters, scallops and other fish that was sold in the seafood department.

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