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Economy’s health dictates political climate

Democratic strategist James Carville declared the economy was the utmost political issue almost 30 years ago. His analysis is still correct today.

President George H.W. Bush was a popular vice president with impeccable credentials and pedigree. Among other stellar achievements, he was a World War II pilot at age 18, ambassador to China and director of the CIA. Despite riding the long coattails of his predecessor, Ronald Reagan, he was the second Republican president in 60 years to lose re-election. (Gerald Ford was the first.)

Gov. Bill Clinton of Arkansas treaded where other politicians feared and, stepping into the footprints of Jimmy Carter, took the challenge. He defeated Bush in 1992 by running on the economy and Bush’s failed promise of not raising taxes.

Notwithstanding Oval Office debauchery and decimating the military, President Clinton delivered on the economy and became the first Democrat president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt to be re-elected.

Our economy stokes the fire of capitalism, and capitalism is the fuel that powers the engine of our constitutional republic.

John F. Kennedy mentioned in a speech that a rising tide lifts all boats. Our tsunami-force economic surge has raised wages, benefits and our standard of living. The unemployment rate is at historical lows for everyone. Folks are more generous to others with their new money. Furthermore, our military is stronger and more lethal.

It wasn’t a magic wand that sparked our robust economy. It was a businessman who understood a strong economy foments a strong country. He understood this principle because he has lived it and breathed it his entire life. President Donald Trump has cut taxes, slashed regulations, stood up to China and ejected anti-business bureaucrats from their comfortable governmental ivory towers.

No man is pure, and Trump is no exception. His surreptitiously recorded metaphor from 2005 about Hollywood titans freely grabbing a woman’s private parts was vulgar but true. Look no further than the Harvey Weinstein trials and the long list of award-winning actresses who were once under his tutelage.

If you’re looking for a perfect man to be president, perhaps you should vote for the holy mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has often offered his spiritual expertise on what Christianity is and is not.

What has been the Democrat Party’s response to our newly created economic health and military strength? A constant attempt to undo the 2016 election by chiseling away at the Constitution and by unlawfully spying on Americans under the guise of counterintelligence laws aimed at foreign agents.

When the two-year (Robert) Mueller investigation failed to produce impeachable offenses, such as bribery, treason and high crimes and misdemeanors, the Democrats and their stenographers in the national media were not deterred. Adam Schiff and company constructed a narrative a la “Hands up, don’t shoot!” and, with couplike precision, started impeachment proceedings. Their flaccid attack on the president resulted in last week’s acquittal and higher presidential ratings.

What I find interesting is Trump’s approval ratings surpass his predecessor’s, despite a constant negative media blitz and their eternal fawning over President Barack Obama.

Today’s Democrats are not your parents’ and grandparents’ Democrats. Democrats of the 20th century have gradually morphed into a socialist coalition that dangerously overlaps tenets of communism. They implore us to “coexist” with their emoji-heavy bumper stickers. Just don’t walk in front of their cars wearing a red Trump hat.

Today’s Republicans have more in common with JFK and Clinton. I am an independent, almost libertarian, but I register as a Republican in order to vote in the Republican primaries. I have voted for Carter and Shelley Berkley.

Obama hasn’t said much this election cycle, but he did publicly call for the Democrats to move toward the center. In my opinion, Clinton would be vilified by today’s socialist democrats.

As a retired soldier and retired police officer, I will support the man who has restored honor and dignity to my chosen professions.

Abraham Lincoln said, “You cannot fool all the people all the time.” The American people are not fooled by the machinations of the 20-, 30- and 40-year politicians. They now see the ineffectiveness of the current House of Representatives.

Trump is riding a smooth path to re-election, but we must do more to maintain our strong economy and powerful military. We must vote out those tyrants, posing as democratic socialists, and return the House of Representatives to a Republican majority and increase the number of Senate Republicans.

Citizens vote with their wallets, as they did in the ’90s, and will do so again in November by re-electing President Trump.

Dan Jennings is a retired Army captain and a retired BCPD lieutenant. He can be reached at bcpd267@cox.net.

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