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Police Blotter, Jan. 16

Jan. 7, 7:38 a.m.

A woman called and said she was on the way to the airport and had seen a blue tarp that had a black blanket underneath it as well as what looked like arm sticking out from it. Officers responded and did not find anything.

Jan. 7, 4 p.m.

Officers received a report that a pistol, 9-round magazine and holster had been stolen from a toolbox drawer in someone’s garage.

Jan. 8, 7:56 p.m.

Officers responded to a call that someone was holding another person at gunpoint. The suspect also had a knife. They took a man into custody and found out his vehicle was stolen.

Jan. 8, 10:35 p.m.

Officers found evidence of homeless people living in a tunnel. They found coolers, wooden tables and a full-size mattress, but there were no people there at that time. They requested someone from the city’s public works department come and remove the items.

Jan. 9, 9:34 a.m.

A woman called and said she had gone by the school to drop off her daughter’s medication and she wasn’t there. She said she was not allowed at her daughter’s address and could not get ahold of her. She said she wanted to make sure she was OK. Officers responded and determined the daughter had overslept, her grandfather had woken her up and they would be en route to school.

Jan. 9, 12:21 p.m.

Officers received numerous reports of a man who was walking down the street in his underwear with a bear. A man who called said the first time he saw him, the man was wearing pants.

Jan. 9, 12:50 p.m.

Someone called in to report that a man who had no shoes on was in a parking lot and yelling that someone was trying to shoot him. Officers responded and determined the man’s brother was chasing him with a gun.

Jan. 10, 9:46 a.m.

Someone called and said a railroad car had been broken into. Officers talked with the manager, who said it appeared as if nothing was missing and he would call back if that changed.

Jan. 10, 6:40 p.m.

A man reported that he was hit by a car. He said it was a female driver in a light-colored vehicle. He told officers he had pain in his ribs but denied any medical help.

Jan. 11, 2:21 p.m.

Officers received a report of six big horn sheep that were walking down the street. Animal control said they were fine as long as they weren’t on the highway.

Jan. 11, 10:15 p.m.

Someone called about a cat that was stuck on the roof of a building. The caller was advised to call back if the cat had not come down by the next day.

Jan. 12, 8:56 a.m.

Officer received a report that a 14-year-old boy had shot himself in the foot the night before with a BB gun. They talked to the boy’s mom, who said her son and his friend had been shooting at cardboard targets. She said her son’s friend had to go home, so he unloaded the gun and handed it back to her son. But he forgot there was a BB in the chamber. He put in down and it accidentally went off and hit her son in the foot. She said she did not want to press charges but just wanted to let the police know in case it was required by the law.

Jan. 12, 8 p.m.

Someone called and said a person who appeared to be drinking had driven off in a car. Officers responded and found a female juvenile in the car with the woman, who was arrested for an alleged probation violation. The juvenile’s grandparents picked her up and took her home with them.

Jan. 13, 9:46 a.m.

Officers received a report of grave site in a desert area. They responded and determined that some camping supplies had been buried.

Jan. 13, 10:15 a.m.

Officers responded to a report of an elderly man who was pestering a woman sitting at a bus stop. She told officers the man had asked her out on a date and that after she told him no he kept asking her. The man said he did ask her for the date, she said no and he knows that no means no. He said he would not talk to her again. Officers told the woman he agreed not to speak to her again.

Council tees up multiple pet issues

Long-running issues involving pets in Boulder City are about to heat up again as three resolutions were introduced at this Tuesday’s council meeting. Resolutions have to be introduced in a meeting prior to them being discussed or voted on. These resolutions are scheduled to be discussed and acted upon in the council’s Feb. 25 meeting.

City continues dark-sky initiative

When driving around town, some may have noticed that many of the city’s street lights have a different look to them.

Airport development readies for takeoff

The city council discussed and provided direction to city staff Tuesday on a plan to develop additional hangars at the Boulder City Municipal Airport as well as development of a larger area for multiple uses including additional hangars.

Downtown Disney

This past Saturday, more than 200 people donned their best Disney outfits for the monthly Wine Walk, hosted by the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce. There were nearly two dozen downtown locations for attendees to stop for wine, including those pictured at the Boulder City Company Store, Beer Zombies and Hangar 502. Each walk has a theme, with the next being March 8 with the theme of Vegas Golden Knights.

Removed city gate causes concern

On Jan. 28, School Resource Officer Eric Prunty, who is assigned to BCHS by the Boulder City Police Department but also serves the three other public schools, contacted Garrett Junior High Principal Melanie Teemant regarding “a campus security issue.”

The bond between Boulder City and Searchlight

If you talk to the staff at Harry Reid Elementary School in Searchlight, you may hear them describe their campus as “the heart of the community” or “the jewel of the desert.”

Council gives lake-view lot to chamber

After a very short introduction by city staff and without discussion, the city council voted unanimously last week to give a 50-foot-square piece of city-owned land to the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

20-year lease extension up for vote

The gun club was not the only entity with lease extension business before the city council in their meeting last week.

Commercial zoning in Eldorado approved

The going-on-a-year-long process of adding four acres of land to Boulder City and approving it for commercial use is all over except the shouting as the city council voted unanimously and without discussion as part of the consent agenda to approve the changes to the city’s land use map as well as amending the zoning map to allow for future commercial development.

Out of this world: A look at Fisher Space Pen

In a popular episode of “Seinfeld,” appropriately entitled “The Pen,” Jerry and Elaine travel to Florida to see his parents. There, a neighbor, Jack Klompus, shows off a pen that the astronauts used in space because of its ability to still write, even when upside-down.