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Police Blotter, Dec. 20

Dec. 11, 9:08 a.m.

Animal Control received a report that a dog came after the mailman. Approximately 30 minutes later, they checked, and the dog was secured in the backyard and safe.

Dec. 11, 10:01 a.m.

Officers received a report that items in three different city contractor’s trucks had been stolen. Miscellaneous electrical tools had been taken. The total value of the items was $4,000.

Dec. 11, 4:30 p.m.

Officers received several reports of smoke coming from someone’s backyard. It appeared that the person was burning leaves.

Dec. 11, 10:33 p.m.

A woman called the police and said she was locked inside a pool area. Her mom had the key and was in the hospital. The lock to the pool area requires a key, and the gate was open when she went in. She did not know she would need the key to open it to get out.

Dec. 12, 7:38 p.m.

A woman called the police and said she saw two people with guns, and one of the guns looked like an Uzi. Officers responded and found they were two juveniles who were playing with airsoft guns that looked like real ones.

Dec. 14, 9:03 a.m.

Officers received a report that a woman had been driving to work around 5 a.m. and another vehicle pulled up beside her and broke her window.

Dec. 14, 1:39 p.m.

Officers received a report that bighorn sheep were all around the swimming pool at a hotel, and the employees were worried about the guests there. They wanted some help getting the sheep back to the park. Seven minutes later the person called back and said the sheep were no longer on the property.

Dec. 14, 5:10 p.m.

A woman called the police and said her young son found a used syringe and picked it up. She made him throw it down and left it there. She said it was at an intersection near the alley.

Dec. 15, 3:41 p.m.

A passenger on the train called the police and said it looked like two men were trying to steal a Jet Ski. The caller could not give a good description of them because the train was moving.

Dec. 16, 12:53 a.m.

A woman called the police and said her hot water heater was making very loud noises, and she had previously been advised whatever was going on with it could start a fire in her wall. She wanted an officer to respond. Approximately 15 minutes later an officer responded and said there was no crime. The sound was the fan that was on constantly.

Dec. 16, 5:07 a.m.

Officers received a report that someone had locked the bathrooms. The caller said it could be a vagrant who has been in there before and known to use drugs. Officers responded and detained the man. They found he had numerous pieces of drug paraphernalia with him. He was cited for them and trespassed.

Dec. 16, 8:54 a.m.

Officers received two calls about a coyote in the park. It wasn’t causing any problems, but the callers were concerned about it being in a residential area. They responded and found the coyote had left the park.

Dec. 16, 4:39 p.m.

A woman called the police and said she saw smoke on Eighth Street. Officers found that it was smoke coming from a chimney, and the fire was in the fireplace.

Dec. 17, 12:50 a.m.

A man called the police and said his gas meter was spinning like crazy. He did not think it was running correctly. He called back four minutes later and said it had just stopped spinning, but he had a video of it to show the officers. They determined that the heater had turned on which uses gas.

Dec. 17, 1:47 p.m.

Officers received a report of a helicopter caught in the wires and a person was hanging out of it. They told the caller that a helicopter had been there with Nevada Power hanging wires from tower to tower, but they would send someone to check it out.

Dec. 18, 1:19 a.m.

Officers received a report of smoke in the desert behind the Nevada State Railroad Museum. They determined it was a brush fire that had been set by a homeless person. He was cited for open burning.

Doc loses license for 5 years

A Boulder City chiropractor has lost his license to practice in the state for five years, which could be extended if he does not adhere to requirements voted upon by the Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada.

Dog park slated to reopen Oct. 31

Before the mayor cut the ribbon on a city-funded dog park with grass inside Veterans’ Memorial Park in August of last year, Boulder City was the only municipality in the region not to have such a facility. (See Spot Run is just a stone’s throw away but it is privately run and does not have grass.)

An educational leap of faith

Something new recently opened in Boulder City, which brought with it a bit of a twist to traditional education.

Animal Control loses its leader

A number of issues involving pets in Boulder City has been changing at lightning speed over the past several days, culminating in an announcement via social media channels on Tuesday that Animal Control Supervisor Ann Inabnitt will be retiring, effective Dec. 31.

Hundreds expected at pancake breakfast

Regardless of if you prefer to call them pancakes, flapjacks, hotcakes or griddle cakes, they always bring a smile to one’s face.

Church seeks new housing project plan

As the old saying goes, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

A battle over airport business impact

Before the city council voted unanimously to accept a Business Impact Study regarding increasing some fees at the city-owned airport, the lone speaker in public comment — who chose not to identify himself but has spoken multiple times in the past year on issues surrounding the operation of the airport — had one thing on his mind. Fuel costs.