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Police Blotter

Aug. 15, 9:19 a.m.

A caller reported there were people fishing at the lower park, which was prohibited. Upon arrival, the officer noticed the people had left.

Aug. 15, 7:15 p.m.

Officers received a report that someone was driving a motorcycle up and down Del Prado Drive at high speeds.

Aug. 16, 4:12 a.m.

Officers responded to a call that an 18-wheeler hit some construction cones that then hit a man. The man was not injured by the cone.

Aug. 16, 9:06 a.m.

A caller reported that two people were on Cottonwood Street just past the corner and appeared to have passed out.

Aug. 16, 12:14 p.m.

A caller reported people, who he believed were unlicensed, were painting some condos, and he wanted the police to check it out.

Aug. 16, 1:54 p.m.

Officers received a report that several people were walking with their dogs off a leash.

Aug. 18 4:42 a.m.

A caller reported that a 53-foot semi went off the road and part of the truck was in the road.

Aug. 18, 9:08 a.m.

Someone called to speak to a sergeant regarding a confidential matter. The caller wanted to speak to the president of the United States on a private line and was then directed to the Secret Service.

Aug. 18, 6:47 p.m.

A man called the police and said there was a strong toxic smell coming from a house near him. He said it was an ongoing issue and thinks the smell could be coming from paint thinner of some kind. He wanted an officer to check it out. Upon investigation, the officer talked to a resident who said he painted antiques for work and had been painting a car fender that night.

Aug. 19 4:35 a.m.

Officers received a report that kids were outside of a man’s house. The man said he had heard the kids saying they sneaked someone into the house while his mother was out. Upon investigation, officers walked the entire perimeter and found no children.

Aug. 19, 4:55 p.m.

Officers observed someone driving left of center, and the passengers, who were hanging out of the windows, were not wearing seat belts.

Aug. 20, 2:56 p.m.

A National Park Service ranger called police and said he observed a man sitting outside of a fast food restaurant who said he was going to come back and shoot people. The ranger stayed until police arrived. Upon arrival, the subject made threats and was taken to Henderson. He was patted down, searched and no weapons were found.

Aug. 21, 4:48 a.m.

Officers received a report of dogs barking all the time. The caller was very irate and wanted something done. Upon investigation, officers did not see or hear the dog and determined the owners must have brought it inside.

Seven finds his forever home

Christmas came early for the Apsey family.

City: Maxx’s must limit flags

The Great Political Signs War of 2024 appears to be not quite over in Boulder City as the planning commission recently voted unanimously to smack down a local bar for flying flags on their roof.

Proposed subdivision rated 89% by committee

While it is not yet a done deal, a proposed 15-home subdivision on the southern edge of Boulder City took a big step toward approval this week as the Allotment Committee gave the plans an 89% rating.

State of the City address is scheduled for Jan. 16

Mayor Joe Hardy will present the annual State of the City Address on Thursday, January 16, at the Boulder Creek Golf Course Pavillion. This year’s theme is “Empowering Our People, Enriching Our City.”

Ringing in the new year

Hundreds turned out Tuesday night for the inaugural New Year’s Eve block party hosted by Main Street Boulder City. Attendees were entertained by bands and music by DJ Mike Pacini. Many businesses in that area remained open and had many of the party-goers stop in for a drink or coffee. Organizers are already looking ahead to next year’s event.

Looking back at ’24 (some more)

Editor’s Note: This is the second half of looking back at 2024.

City starts search for new fire chief

Last week, the city officially put the word out that it is in the beginning stages of hiring a new fire chief.

Big turnout for annual Christmas dinner

It was just one of those feel-good moments that you often see during the holidays.

A look back at 2024 (Part 1)

Editor’s Note — With 2024 coming to a close, here is a look back at the first six months of the year. July-December will appear in next week’s edition.