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Lake Mead/Hoover Dam

Park Service installs life jacket loaner stations

Park rangers from Lake Mead National Recreation Area stressed life jacket safety to a group of children at the Boulder City Library last week as part of a larger outreach to mitigate accidental youth drownings at Lake Mead.

Chicago man’s body recovered at Lake Mead

The body of a Chicago man was recovered last week at Lake Mead, 13 days after he went missing.

Lake Mead Park Service wins prestigious film award

The recently renovated Alan Bible Visitors Center at Lake Mead National Recreation Area has another reason to shine besides the new lighting fixtures and walkway.

Improvements being made to Las Vegas Bay Campground

A portion of the Las Vegas Bay Campground at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area is receiving a $200,000 renovation, National Park Service officials announced Monday.

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As Lake Mead shrinks, California uses more than its share of water

As water managers in Nevada and elsewhere fight to keep Lake Mead as full as possible, an irrigation district in California has significantly overdrawn its Colorado River allotment over the past three years.

Boaters at Echo Bay advised to use low water launch ramp

Lake Mead National Recreation Area officials are encouraging boaters at Echo Bay to use a low water launch ramp because of a narrow channel near the main launch ramp.

Light at end of Lake Mead intake tunnel

After setbacks, delays and even a death, there is something to crow about at the site of the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s new water intake at Lake Mead.

Park Service works through tough weekend

Heat, alcohol and a mysterious substance made for a troubling Saturday at Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

Park Service ripped over red tape

WASHINGTON — The National Park Service was taken to the woodshed on June 6 by members of Congress infuriated after hearing that red tape at Lake Mead prevented a family from recovering the body of a slain Las Vegas cabdriver for almost a year.

Bilingual videos promote lake safety

The afternoon was bright and the blue water looked white as it sprayed behind the high-powered speedboat.

Park’s enforcement focuses on water safety

Rushing across the water with blue lights flashing, the Nevada Department of Wildlife boat operated by game warden Paul Hearne pulled along side a small fishing boat with three generations on board.

Henderson man jumps from dam bypass bridge

A man took his life by jumping off the Hoover Dam bypass bridge early Saturday , the fifth confirmed suicide from the bridge.

Safe boating event to kick off season

Ushering in National Safe Boating Week, the National Park Service will hold its annual event Saturday at Lake Mead National Park to support safe boating.