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City moves to annex small plot already surrounded by BC

“Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.” But in this case it’s “Boulder City to the left of me. BC to the right.” And, like so many other local issues, this one is really all about water.

It is rare that private property owners in an area outside of a city’s limits ask to be absorbed into the city, but that is the case with the owners of a four-acre plot in the Eldorado Valley that is otherwise totally surrounded by BC.

“In 2023, the City of Boulder City annexed 2,500 acres of unincorporated land in the Eldorado Valley,” said acting City Manager Michael Mays as he explained the issue to the city council. “Henderson also annexed significant land within the same valley. This results in very few parcels remaining that are currently unincorporated Clark County. Before you this evening is one of those examples and they are seeking annexation to the City of Boulder City.”

“This four-acre parcel is located on U.S. Highway 95, south of the I-11 interchange,” Mays continued and then got to the crux of the issue. “The property owners would like to build two office/warehouse buildings on this property. To do so, they need water and, to receive water from Boulder City, there is a requirement for annexation.”

The council, after council member Cokie Booth pointed out that the zoning change would greatly increase property tax revenue for the land (which was the only discussion), voted unanimously to change the zoning.

This is only the first step along the road to the annexation happening and is a similar process to what occurred in 2023 with the 2,500-acre annexation.

The next step is that city staff would bring an annexation report to the council outlining the effects on the city of the proposed annexation.

This resolution is basically the council informing the world that they intend to annex the property and are setting up the process, including a public hearing.

Now that the resolution has passed unanimously, staff will prepare the report on the impact of the annexation. Council will vote on a motion to consider the study. That process will begin on June 10. (Note that the first council meeting in June is being moved up a day in order to clear the normal meeting Tuesday for the primary election which will include two city council seats and the justice of the peace for Boulder Township.)

The introduction of a bill making the annexation official will take place —barring unforeseen complications —at the June 25 meeting. A public hearing and a final vote on the annexation is scheduled for July 9. If all goes according to plan, the annexation would be effective on July 31.

According to Community Development staffer Nakeisha Lyon that is only one part of the process. “The Planning Commission will consider and make a recommendation on amendments for them to move forward to the City Council. After the Planning Commission meeting, two City Council meetings are required to complete the process. The first is for the City Council to introduce the zoning amendment bill, and the second is for the City Council to decide on the zoning and master plan amendments.”

The earliest the rezoning could be effective would be the end of August.

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