Season of giving at BCHS
December 5, 2024 - 5:00 pm
If you live in Boulder City, you know the community is very busy during the holidays, especially winter holidays.
From the Christmas parade to the Luminaria, BC is full of fun things to do with family and friends. But what Boulder City residents might not know is what happens inside Boulder City High School during the winter holidays.
BCHS is full of holiday spirit and has many community service events, as well as days just focused on spreading kindness through holiday-themed activities.
Every year, BCHS Student Council hosts a canned food drive. This year the canned food drive started on Nov. 20 and is ending on Dec. 10. Each grade has a box in either their history class or their English class.
Whichever grade donates the most cans to their respective classroom wins a point in our annual holiday assembly. Kids are motivated by this assembly point, making the canned food drive a huge success every year.
Along with the canned food drive, Barb Agostini, a leader for BC’s Rotary Club and one of the two NHS advisers at the high school, brought the Rotary’s annual holiday drive to BCHS. This drive has been highly successful at BCHS, having household toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes and more being donated every day.
If you would like to help out, Agostini says, “BCHS Honor Society and Interact are helping the city of Boulder City by collecting hygiene items, Kleenex, baby wipes, combs, brushes, razors, and anything non-perishable. You can drop it off at BCHS to either Barb Agostini or Mrs. Murphy. We love to support the BC community.”
As well as community service, BCHS’ very own 12 Days of Kindness is an annual two weeks dedicated to spreading holiday spirit and spreading kindness. These two weeks gather a lot of participation.
Every day is a different activity attached with a holiday saying. Some examples of the days are “You CANE do it! Good luck on your exams BCHS” and “Be kind to yoursELF! Wear pajamas to school!”
These themed days make students happy and help them get in the holiday spirit. Junior Seth Kirby said. “I really like 12 Days of Kindness! Not only does it make me feel appreciated but I feel good about myself because I’m being nice to others.”
Holidays in Boulder City are full of kind acts and appreciation for others. As a Boulder City resident, it makes me more cheerful and thankful around the holidays to participate in all these activities in our community and at school.