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No need to fertilize bougainvillea

QBefore the first freeze in Las Vegas what should I feed my bougainvillea? I have three plants, all in the ground. They are 6 years old and I wrap their bases before the freeze. They always come back come March and bloom beautifully August through October.

BC art festival pays tribute to late founder

The ninth annual Boulder City Art Guild Winter Art Fest, Nov. 9-10, was a celebration of its founder and guiding spirit, Aileen Dike, who died Oct. 14 at the age of 90. The “Winterfest,” as Dike called it, was her idea and continued year after year through her efforts and attention to every detail.

Community Briefs

Canned food drive to help Emergency Aid

Pomegranate rind, skin can vary in color

Q: I planted a pomegranate tree two years ago and this year it produced six fruits. One was of decent size while the others were on the small side. When the large one split, I picked it only to find the inside was light pink. The seeds were well-developed but not the expected red color. What can I do to improve the fruit on this tree?

The Latest
McKeeversville settlement topic of 31ers luncheon

Nearly everywhere you look in the downtown area these days, there are reminders of why Boulder City came into being — statues, bus stop shelters, murals, even the dam-shaped electronic billboard at Nevada Way and Buchanan Boulevard.

Senior Calendar

Hours of operation: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St. Call 702-293-3320.

Pet of the Week

This week we would like to feature Sheeba in Pet of the Week.

Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park open

Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park is home to perhaps the most stunning buttes, mesas, arches and panoramas in the world. So familiar are some of these views, through Western films and television, that even an informal mental list of things to do before “kicking the bucket” often includes seeing them in person.

28 Sunflowers Photography to hold open house today

Today from 4:30 to 8 p.m., 28 Sunflowers Photography plans to host an open house, as well as a food drive for Emergency Aid, at the 900 Buchanan Blvd. studio.

Senior Calendar Oct. 3-9

Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St. Call 702-293-3320 for information.

Area groups fill Emergency Aid’s pantry

The Bureau of Reclamation and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints helped refill the food pantry at Emergency Aid, 600 Nevada Highway, with two separate food drives in September.

Siblings find novel’s voice sharing zombies stories

Although conventional wisdom might say that brothers and sisters generally fight “like cats and dogs,” a glimpse at Matthew Kinney and his big sister, Lesa Kinney Anders, authors of “Dead, But Not for Long,” proves that not to be the case.

DAR member receives national appointment

The Silver State Chapter recently announced that Marilyn Adair has received an appointment from Daughters of the American Revolution National Society. Adair has been appointed to the Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service advisory committee for Southern Nevada. The three-year appointment runs from Sept. 1 to Aug. 31, 2016.

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