Boulder City Art Guild member Jeff Oldham loves the ocean. The breaking waves and the sandy beaches always have been things that inspired him, which is why when he became the guild’s featured artist for November he knew oceanscapes were what he wanted to paint.
The holiday season is upon us, and while many families will be celebrating with colorfully wrapped gifts, there are too many that will not be able to afford to spend money on extravagant presents. Tom and Marci Riggs are looking to help some local kids in need enjoy a merrier Christmas and happier holidays with bikes that have been refurbished with love.
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at
In a unique twist to its tradition of showcasing local houses decorated for the holidays during its home tour, the American Association of University Women has one site where residents will be looking for a home to call their own.
Thanksgiving has arrived and across the country families will sit down to enjoy the company of loved ones, as well as heaping portions of turkey, stuffing and potatoes.
Thanksgiving day is here and the Boulder City Fire Department has a few helpful fire prevention tips for the holidays.
Left to right, Julie Hammond, Emilee Hampton, 13, Alaura Broughton, 12, Katie Hampton, 14, and Aspin Broughton, 13, helped out Saturday at the Relay for Life’s chili cook off, benefiting the American Cancer Society.
Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at
Thursday may be the official holiday, but the day after Thanksgiving has become notorious in its own right. Around the country thousands of shoppers will flock to lines, many forming before dawn, in search of the best Black Friday deals.
Boulder City residents were among the thousands across the nation who lined up for parades, offered discounts at their businesses and offered thanks to those who put their lives on the line protecting our national interests on Veterans Day.
If time appeared to pass quickly before your eyes every time you walked down Wyoming Street, you wouldn’t be mistaken.