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Military widows, widowers, form new group

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) supervises thousands of benefit programs including many variations on most of them. Veterans and their families can be eligible for “this, that and the other.” But in the case of “other, that and this,” one must go to option one, two or three unless applying under a different section of the definition of “Feature X, Y and Z.” Or something like that. The red tape is unending.

Separate from the government, there are non-profit organizations that provide help and service to select veterans and survivors. Well-known groups such as the VFW, DAV and American Legion, as well as others provide help, as well as certified veteran service officers at the VA. But there are specific groups that help military widows and widowers. They can provide needed help and assistance, as well as camaraderie.

Until recently, there was a national organization called the Society of Military Widows that had a chapter in Nevada. But it is folding due to lack of new members. One of the local leaders, who goes by the name Babbitt, said, “Society of military widows is closing due to not enough people participating any more. All non-profit military service organizations are having that problem, because people are aging out.” Individuals were only eligible to join that group if their spouses’ death was service-connected. “We saw there was a chance the group would go away because it was too inclusive.”

But the local members are in the process of forming their own organization. “In our new group, it doesn’t matter how a military spouse died or when they died. The name is Veteran Widows and Widowers of Nevada.” A recent gathering of the members to plan for the new group was well attended. They will formally organize in January. “We had a good group that met. I was pleasantly surprised. One widow who was there is 95 years old. She is a military retiree, and she brought her daughter, who is also a veteran. Anyone who supports our cause can join.”

While anyone is welcome to join the new group, actual military widows and widowers may be eligible for several types of government pension benefits, including the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) and the VA Survivors Pension. The Department of Defense SBP program provides up to 55 percent of a service member’s retired pay to eligible beneficiaries. The surviving spouse, children, or a disabled dependent may be eligible.

To be eligible for the VA Survivors Pension, a family’s yearly income and net worth must meet certain limits set by Congress. As I’ve noted above, there are many government details that must be adhered to.

For more information Babbitt can be contacted at veteranswidowsNV@gmail.com. An informal lunch meeting is scheduled for Nov. 24 at 11:30 a.m. at the Wildhorse Country Club in Henderson. There are no dues, but lunch is $20. Reservations are required. Full disclosure, I’m a military widower, and I plan to attend. See you there?

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