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The art of communication in consciousness

For Memorial Day I am exploring human consciousness with you. Many misunderstandings have been fought over the lack of a mutual perspective among the parties involved. What better gift is there than one that assists in the art of communication? My work in formulating the discipline of Aquarian Theosophy has led me to the following understanding of humanities’ reality; consciousness is the basis of understanding.

Human consciousness functions most effectively in person. The world requires love, doesn’t it? Those who live with love in their lives are usually happier than those without. Based on my work, I have found that the less time spent on the internet, replaced instead by time with others in person, the more well-adjusted a person becomes. We need each other.

Recently, the U.S. government approved legislation eliminating the Internet application TikTok. While I see that the U.S. Congress is interested in our safety on the Internet, they appear not to be as concerned about the loss of love in America. How are we getting along with each other America?

I moved to Boulder City in 1981 when people were saying hello to each other while stopping to chat. While running for city council, I used to walk door to door talking with the citizens of Boulder City.

I have yet to see candidates publicly talking to residents while running for city council or justice of the peace this year. Early voting began Tuesday, May 28. The 1980s did not have the Internet readily available. What is happening to America has nothing to do specifically with TikTok. It has to do with us wanting to text or talk to metal boxes rather than enjoying human faces in person.

When we see a stranger, many of us don’t engage with them as though they could be a person to enjoy. We have been with our faces in those metal boxes too long.

That activity has disrupted our friendliness. I do see more and more people wandering around with their left hands fully occupied with a phone while awaiting the rest of their lives to arise from the cell phone.

Alternatively, a do not disturb mode is available on most cell phones. The rest of our lives could arise more from being with others in person. Don’t we require a reprieve from cell phones that do not carry an entitlement to our time?

Try an experiment. Put the cell phone down for more than 15 minutes. Experience fully what happens to you. No touching of the phone at all! Many of us get uncomfortable when we are not able to grab that phone to see what we do next. We don’t seem to notice that the Internet is stealing our human nature. It is not TikTok per se that is the problem, it is the amount of time we steal from conversations with humans when we use cell phones or computers to text and post rather than talking in person.

We need to communicate with other human beings to experience love. Love is missing from our lives when we text and/or write with our cell phones and computers. How is that possible? Most of the meaning in any conversation arises from tone of voice as well as body language. Neither of these aspects of communication and relations are available when texting or posting on the Internet. UCLA Emeritus Professor of Psychology Albert Mehrabian’s research regarding meaning confirms these assertions.

Shared meaning is another aspect of communication that seems to be less important than it used to be. Love is only available when we talk to another person in person. If the U.S. Congress were to enjoy the company of all members of Congress with respect and caring, perhaps they could rectify the splintering of politics in the USA.

Furthermore, since humanity is comprised of several types of consciousness, being present is the aspect of communication that facilitates most meaning. In the absence of others, we cannot fully understand while sharing subject matter or intent. Without others’ presence, we only have ourselves to interpret a conversation. Recall that communication in person happened most of the time prior to the advent of the Internet.

There was also less polarization of perspectives before the internet, wasn’t there? How about being resolved to improve human understanding from conversations becoming increasingly with human presence?

Please consider the art of communication with love before your next conversation. I feel fortunate to have read the book “The Anxious Generation” by the social psychologist Jonathan Haight.

The book develops an understanding of the status of human interactions in the context of the internet. I highly recommend it, especially if you have children and/or grandchildren.

Eric L Lundgaard President, Aquarian Theosophy Foundation, Former city council member and mayor (1985 to 1997)


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