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Take action, be part of the solution

Sometimes I think the world has gone mad. Other times, I’m touched by the kindness of one individual. Are we on the brink of destruction or is there hope for the planet?

If you follow social media and watch the news channels, you might think the world is going to end if you do or don’t vote for a certain candidate or candidates this November. If you don’t watch the news or stay away from social media, you might have another view of life. I think there is a middle or common sense ground, but it is hard to find.

In talking to many people about countless issues, all agree that our society lacks common sense. OK, that’s fine. We agree, but how do you instill common sense, whatever that really is, into people?

Generally, you receive no answer or explanation. Folks blame the government, or the homeless, or the educational system or the media.

I’m not an anthropologist or sociologist and can’t share specific data, but people are what they have always been. Certainly, people today have different factors influencing them than those 500 or 2,000 years ago, but there have always been good people, bad people, people in between, people who don’t care and those who give their lives for others.

It seems that the idea of common sense, or lack thereof, is something to be examined.

I happen to think that common sense should operate in our public school system, a system that should be continually enhanced and supported by the government, parents and all taxpayers. The system’s only goal should be preparing our young generation in reading, writing and arithmetic (if they still call it that).

To do that, the system needs well-prepared teachers who are compensated adequately for the task they undertake. The system cannot simply rely on devoted teachers who take on the job because they love it. The pay must equal the difficulty of the task. A teacher’s job must be elevated to the same level of importance that society assigns to educating young people.

Perhaps society doesn’t assign enough importance to educating its young people. Thus, we have a problem. If you want to blame bureaucracy and the unions, go ahead. Casting criticism doesn’t fix problems: involvement does, caring does.

Parents, the community and politicians might consider taking up one specific educational issue at a time to act upon. You can’t resolve everything at once. Either you care enough about the educational system or you don’t. Either you spend some time working on common sense approaches or you don’t. You choose.

Common sense needs to be applied in the workplace. There are employees in every job who love what they do, hate it or fall somewhere in between. If you love your job, you are fortunate. If you hate your job but need the money, you have lots of company. If you fall somewhere in between, you’re halfway to having a fairly decent time most of the day.

Seems like if everyone had a proper education and the affordable higher education and training they needed to do a job they wanted to do, there would be fewer folks hating what they do for a living. Until we provide the finest educational opportunities possible, we are going to have unhappy people performing jobs they detest, making those they serve upset and unhappy as well. It seems that common sense would dictate parents, educators, politicians and governments make education priority No. 1 so that it creates a contented, productive workforce.

Why we don’t make education priority No. 1 baffles me. If it does the same to you, I suggest you do something about it. Don’t blame the “enemy,” whomever that might be in your mind. Talk to an educator. Visit your local school. Ask your politicians and candidates how they want to improve our educational system.

Don’t get angry. Read an article about what works in the educational field and what doesn’t. Talk to other parents. Don’t have kids in school? Volunteer your time and help a teacher. See what goes on in a classroom.

There is no one solution to our problems but using common sense and involvement could secure solutions.

Rose Ann Miele is a journalist and was public information officer for Boulder City for nine years. She can be reached at roseannrab@hotmail.com or at 702-339-9082.

See David Copperfield but skip the bouillabaisse

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A story of reconciliation amidst division

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Who did more for veterans?

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Holy smokes!

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July is PR Month

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July 4 safety and awareness checklist

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“Be Kind, Be Boulder” this Fourth of July

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Ensuring fire safety at Lake Mead

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Independence Day in Boulder City

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Nothing to fear

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