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Reid was true friend to city

Few people know of the genius of Sen. Harry Reid. I was fortunate to get to know him from my position as mayor and council member of Boulder City. He was available to Boulder City residents and the citizens of Nevada regardless of which party they were affiliated with. I consider him to have been a friend.

Human behavior arises from consciousness. Since I work in consciousness, I will expose the reality of Harry Reid in a unique way. He was the fourth ray of consciousness with a seventh ray of consciousness mind. Fortunately, I have a ready reference of an individual who was a member of the Boulder City Council for 33 years, former Mayor Robert Ferraro, who also had a fourth ray of consciousness soul with a seventh ray of consciousness mind, similar to Sen. Reid.

To introduce the context of my perceptions of consciousness, I must reveal the context of the American society. The United States of America continues to wrestle over the validity of the Constitution. Certainly, Sen. Reid adhered to his understanding of the Constitution as the longest serving member of Congress from Nevada’s history.

The single most important issue that the USA continues to have disrupt America’s form of government was originally called slavery. Founding father Alexander Hamilton argued vociferously to remove that issue as a defining element of the Constitution. However, many more founding fathers were slave holders. Hamilton ultimately lost his battle as one of the nation’s first abolitionists. The issue was finally resolved with the 3/5 compromise contained in the Constitution.

In the context of the consciousness of humankind, the issue of slavery remains the most divisive of all the issues the United States has faced as a democratic republic. How could slavery continue to provide the context for the differences in our perspectives as citizens of the United States of America?

The first thing that needs to be understood is the nature of consciousness throughout the United States as well as the world. The most important aspect of consciousness is the resistance of the majority second ray of consciousness. Most of humankind has or is the second ray of consciousness. The reader of this article is likely the second ray of consciousness. It can also be a unifying force for the betterment of humanity since it is continuously looking for a better world in the context of its resistance.

Can you now see that the differences in what humankind as individuals are believing is a better world is also the source of our resistance and polarization? I reiterate, since the second ray of consciousness is the most prevalent; most of humanity has some aspect of itself as resistance.

The fourth ray of consciousness is the ray of acceptance. When compared to the second ray of consciousness, it attends to information with more acceptance, on average. Therefore, Harry Reid and Robert Ferraro were less resistant to reality by nature while being more aloof when compared to the second ray of consciousness. Those of us privileged to know either or both gentlemen were often surprised by their insights.

As a majority leader in the Senate, Harry Reid performed admirably. One of Harry Reid’s greatest assets was his ability to negotiate. He never gave up. Because he was acceptance, he allowed for rather than reacted to points of view.

Harry could then become a crucible for the differences from the stated objectives of any legislation. In the allowance for those differences, there was the creation of compromise to successfully complete any legislative package. Harry Reid exemplified those skills.

The fourth ray of consciousness is also able to adapt to the changing issues of the United States of America. They can change with the changing political perspectives of the time. Harry Reid and Robert Ferraro both exemplified that skill set, the ability to move with the times and America’s will.

What can be learned from the example set by Harry Reid? Life goes better with acceptance. As each human being begins to know him/herself as well as his/her resistance, there can be a lessening of that aspect of his/her persona. Each of us, as we learn about ourselves, can make a choice to ameliorate our resistance to any factor of our lives. Of course, it is an individual’s freedom of choice, guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

From the federal perspective, Sen. Reid was important to the city of Boulder City purchasing the Eldorado Valley. No one in Congress had more authority than Sen. Reid during the period of time that Boulder City negotiated and bought the Eldorado Valley.

The opinions expressed above belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of the Boulder City Review. They have been edited solely for grammar, spelling and style, and have not been checked for accuracy of the viewpoints.

Eric Lundgaard is president of the Aquarian Theosophy Foundation and former mayor of Boulder City.

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