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Accept change with open heart, mind

Benjamin Franklin has been quoted as saying, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” A fair quote that has stood the test of time!

Modern life is full of uncertainties. If we are to grow and develop as a town, uncertainty is a given. What uncertainty does, however, is it can give rise to anxiety, dispute and even division within a community.

We have seen this in Boulder City, particularly in the past few years as we have watched the demolition of historic buildings, contemplated the arrival of the Boulder City bypass and watched other inevitable changes taking place.

Boulder City was born and grew in a climate of change. In a PBS documentary, local Pat Lapin talked about how back in 1928, “The place where Boulder City stands today was nothing but a barren desert.” In those days, she wrote, “The road that came down to it was just two tracks in the sand. There wasn’t much that you could say for it. People didn’t come here unless they were going down to the river.”

What a difference 88 years makes! But it could not have happened without change.

What is interesting about quotes is that others take these maxims and modify them. With a slight twist of words, Benjamin Disraeli, a British politician and writer, took a different stand on change. It may have been his history of failed business ventures, being heavily in debt, having a mental “breakdown” and then doing little for four years that propelled him into a political career.

He eventually became the United Kingdom’s prime minister at the age of 70 and pushed for sweeping social reforms in Britain. I think he had the right idea when he wrote “Change is inevitable. Change is constant.”

There is richness to an abundance of different opinions and it is a sad situation when only one opinion is permitted or expressed. As we proceed through an election year, major changes are in store for our country, despite what side of the political fence you stand. It has been traditional in the United States to voice our concerns and I pray that this is never taken away from us.

However, voicing concerns can often turn into complaining. Complaining is a means to express dissatisfaction, discontent and resentment. It is a weak application of opinion and rarely achieves much.

In fact, the writer and philosopher Eckhart Tolle has advised: “When you complain you make yourself a victim. … change the situation … or accept it. All else is madness.”

So, how can we accept change without becoming a victim to it? Accept change with an open heart and open mind.

Adapt to change and you can adapt the changes to suit your need. We see current examples of this in Boulder City: Artists creating murals on boarded-up buildings, dedicated civic groups like See Spot Run creating amenities, and citizens speaking up about inequities and wrongdoing in our great city. Go Boulder City!

Angela Smith is a Ph.D. lifecoach, author and educator who has been resident in Nevada since 1992. She can be reached at catalyst78@cox.net

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