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Letters to the Editor, July 12

Pros, cons of Question 3 to be presented at meeting tonight

As we all know, the energy choice initiative, ballot Question 3, proposed to amend the Nevada Constitution to require an open, competitive retail electric energy market, will be an important question for all of us in Nevada, and for us here in Boulder City. The more insight and information we get on the pros and cons of this question the better.

Tonight, at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., at 6:30 p.m., we will have the opportunity of hearing speakers from both sides, one with the Coalition to Defeat Question 3 and one from the Yes on 3, The Energy Choice Initiative group. These are nonpartisan speakers, although this event is sponsored by the Boulder City Democratic Club. All are welcome.

This is an important ballot question that will have an impact on us all. Let’s know what we’re voting for. Hope to see you then.

Linda Barnett

Too many politicians spoil spirit of Independence Day parade

My wife and I moved to Boulder City from California last March and immediately fell in love with our new city. We have met numerous officers from the Boulder City Police Department and numerous citizens at the local park where we take our dog to play. We’ve gone to many local restaurants and even took the tour of the Boulder Dam Hotel and (Boulder City/Hoover Dam) Museum. It’s been heaven for us, until today.

I was excited to see the 4th of July parade and attend the festivities. I thought there’d be local kids groups and representation by the many local organizations and even hoped to see the local high school marching band. I saw some of that, but what really brought down my excitement was the number of political groups marching in the parade with their candidate signs.

I don’t mind the local politicians riding in a car or on a float, but I thought groups, regardless the candidate or party they represented, should not be marching in a parade — anytime. It was, for me, a total downer. I’m hoping that whoever organizes that parade next year brings back the small-town atmosphere and joy an independence parade should bring to a community.

Steven M. Staley

Community support appreciated

Just a quick note to say thank you to all the people of Boulder City. It has truly been my pleasure and my honor to serve this community for the past 20 years. As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I will not forget you. We worked together and sometimes suffered together through projects to improve our quality of life here in Boulder City.

A special thank you to all of those who have reached out to me in the last few weeks. Your support is very much appreciated. I am sure I will continue to see you at the gym, grocery stores, restaurants and as I bike and run through this great community. If anybody would like to meet or just chat online, please feel free to email me at ScottHansenNevada@Outlook.com.

Scott Hansen

I’m a mean one, Mr. Grinch

It was Friday and I had been deeply involved for more than an hour in a discussion with the band’s new keyboard player sorting out who was playing what on each of the 25 or so songs for the unit’s first public gig coming up in just a bit more than five weeks after this issue hits the street. And I suddenly realized I was sitting in my garage with a guitar in my lap in the dark.

The right to be heard

I’m not here to tell you which candidates or ballot measures to vote for on Nov. 5.

Voters to dive into ballot question next month

It’s widely known that the existing Boulder City Municipal Pool is out of date with current building standards, inefficient and faces structural challenges in the coming years, if not sooner.

Festival epitomizes generous spirit

Fall officially arrived last month. That means its time for a long-time tradition for Boulder City residents: Art in the Park.

Simple acts of kindness go a long way

I thought about the content of this column at around 2 a.m. I had woken up and for about an hour I wrote it in my head.

Vinyl put the magic in the music

At some point last week (probably on Tuesday, which is typically our longest day here at the Review), as has happened many times before, I heard Ron say, “How about some music?”

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

The Least of These

A good friend of mine recently told me about a sorry situation that he felt should never happen in Boulder City. An elderly man was discovered dead in his home. Authorities concluded he had passed away months before he was ever discovered. “How could that happen right under our noses?!” he exclaimed. “Not here. Not in Boulder City.”

Don’t mess with our pets

Last month, Boulder City Animal Control responded to a local resident who found an abandoned, critically injured 10-week-old puppy in an alleyway. The rottweiler-mix was immediately transported to the Boulder City Animal Hospital and treated for a dislocated jaw, eye and facial damage, and missing teeth. The puppy has undergone several surgical procedures, and one of his eyes had to be removed.