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Letters to the Editor

Informational rest area might attract visitors to city

As a long-time resident and 1986 graduate of Boulder City High School I am one of the people you identify with in your article (Hali’s Comment, Aug. 24).

I would like to share an idea that may or may not have been identified already for the Interstate 11-Boulder City corridor. To help the city, the city needs to help its residents, also which I believe is their interest. Getting people to exit into Boulder City off a highway while traveling to their primary destination is a task that can be achieved and I appreciate the optimism in finding solutions.

My thought: What gets people to stop and exit an interstate? Comfort, something free and perhaps some quiet time from long travel with the kids does. I suggest an advertised (this is key) beautiful rest stop/visitors center/museum/cultural center — all or a few of these rolled into one. This “rest stop” can deliver for travelers large, clean and beautiful restrooms and free drink refreshments for the traveler and perhaps coupons for lunch at local eateries.

It can include many things, some of which are:

Cultural information about Boulder City, its museum and charming atmosphere. Also information about the surrounding area and perhaps an interactive map of Boulder City so travelers know exactly what may interest them. Keeping with the technological advances, this map can include video narratives about the local establishments and the history of the city.

Perhaps a parklike setting water park for the kids to enjoy while the parent(s) fill their mind with Boulder City knowledge.

Local art exhibits for viewing and perhaps buying (maybe at a gallery in Boulder City).

Geological and geographic interpretations of the surrounding areas. This could include GoPro videos of hikes, boating, bicycle trails, etc.

All other provisions can be had in Boulder City, which the traveler must explore now because their interest is at a peak.

I believe this idea, particularly over time and word-of-mouth, at the corridor will be a huge catalyst for Boulder City revenue. No businesses competing with those in Boulder City should be made available at this corridor otherwise plywood will be the major art theme in town.

Bill Wilborn

Wengert’s wit, wisdom will be missed by many in community

When reading the Aug. 31 Boulder City Review, I glanced at the obituary column, pretty sure, like always, I wasn’t going to recognize any of the names. In glancing at the three people listed, it was a sad shock to read that Albert (Al) Wengert had passed. What a loss for Boulder City.

Being a new kid on the block when we moved here in 2005, my real education in Boulder City politics came from the few outspoken people writing letters to the editor in this paper. Al Wengert was one of them. Oh boy, could Al entertain as well as educate! He stood up and shot from the hip. For a sleepy little town, that’s a big deal.

Bravo to you, Al Wengert. Boulder City has lost an intellectual giant who wasn’t afraid of being counted. Thank goodness we have a few left, but a giant is a giant. You’ll be missed by many, and sincere condolences to your family.

Linda Barnett

Kindness by city residents restores faith in humanity

My truck broke down last Monday, Aug. 28, at the intersection just before entering U.S. Highway 93. I was pulling my horse trailer with my horse in it on my way back home to Tucson, Arizona. It was 106 degrees that day.

I immediately called 911 as I was blocking the intersection. Officer Mark DuBois showed up within minutes of my call. He directed traffic and assured me that help was on the way. Within minutes his wife, Patty, showed up with their truck. We hooked my trailer and horse to the DuBois’ truck and hauled it to the Boulder City Horseman’s Association stables. Next, Big Johns Towing came and took the truck to HonestLee Auto just around the corner. Thank you, Officer Dubois, your kindness and quick thinking saved the day.

But that is not all. Jeanitta Bradford, the manager at HonestLee, gave me a ride back to my horse, no charge. And Lee got the truck fixed by 11 a.m. the next day. He did not charge me extra and the truck is working great.

There is more. Chris Stumpf, a gentleman whom I met at the horse corrals, picked me up in the morning, took time to have breakfast and show me your beautiful town before he brought me back to HonestLee to pick up the truck.

This experience could have been a disaster but instead it renewed my faith in humanity.

Thank you Officer Dubois and Patty, Big Johns Towing, HonestLee Auto, Boulder City Horseman’s Association and Chris Stumpf.

Sheila Campbell

Service animal’s death could have been avoided by obeying leash law

Jimmy was my very tiny service animal. Being in a coma with 50/50 chance of survival, I awoke after surviving a massive stroke. Stroke victims have many different styles of seizures, as in my case.

Jimmy was a trained service animal able to detect an oncoming seizure. Unfortunately, Jimmy was brutally mauled and killed by an unleashed animal.

Boulder City has leash laws that must be obeyed. Animal control does a beautiful job, but cannot be everywhere. It is up to us to abide by these laws so such tragedies do not continue.

To the Boulder City Fire Department and paramedic unit, thank you for your prompt responses to my aid. I could see some of your faces and could hear your calm soothing voices, especially to Jimmy saying to him, “We’ll take care of her little guy.”

Much love to you animal lovers, especially our service animals — no matter how little.

Janice Geckler

A penny for your thoughts, compounded daily

When my oldest son, Joseph, turned 18 in 2011, a good family friend gifted him a self-help book by Darren Hardy called “The Compound Effect.” It’s all about achieving success one baby step at a time. My six other children loathed that gift, because my wife, Leslie, then proceeded to preach its principles seemingly ad nauseam over the next five years every opportunity she could find.

We Empower … We Enrich

Empowering our People, Enriching our City: the theme of the State of the City Address.

Getting locked out of house triggers DIY project

Anyone who’s ever accidentally locked themselves out of their house knows that sinking feeling. But locked out while barefoot and in pajamas? That’s the makings of a funny story, however unfunny it appears in the moment.

A look at growth in Boulder City

Due to the Clark County School District’s Change of School Assignment program (COSA) as well as declining resident enrollment, a large percentage of the school’s enrollment comes from outside of Boulder City. For the high school, out of the 618 students, 29%, or 179 kids, come from elsewhere, mostly from Henderson.

Gimme it down to there

About seven weeks ago, I did something that I would not advise for even a healthy dude or dudette in their 30s, much less for a guy who will qualify for Medicare in about eight weeks. I had two pretty major surgical procedures in the space of three days. I know, not a super bright move.

Mahalo for the memories

I’ve mentioned before that one of my more recent stops on my journalism journey was in Hawaii.

Veterans strike out for housing

Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a longtime organization dedicated to building low-cost housing for needy veterans around the nation.

Resolve to be resolute

January is the traditional time for setting New Year’s resolutions.