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Public Safety

Police Blotter

April 23, noon

Police help with civil, criminal issues

The legal system is divided into two areas: civil and criminal law. Separate courts govern (control) these two areas. One of the most confusing things about the legal system is the difference between these two.

Substitute arrested on sexual assault charges taught at BCHS

A Clark County School District substitute teacher recently arrested on sexual assault charges taught at Boulder City High School about a year ago, according to a district official.

Police Blotter

April 14, 3:54 p.m.

The Latest
Many help relay dangers of drinking

April is the month when the Boulder City Fire Department joins in the cause of alcohol awareness. Across America different organizations reach out to the public in an attempt to raise awareness for problems associated with alcoholism.

Take steps to deter burglars

This week we’ll discuss a few tips to help make your home burglar-resistant.

Police Blotter

April 7, 12:32 a.m.

Screening can identify signs of mental illness

When we think about cancer, heart disease or diabetes, we don’t wait years to treat them. We start before Stage 4 — we begin with prevention.

Aftermath of police shootings linger

Mike Barth knew that something was off about that red Pontiac Grand Am he pulled over on Nevada Way, a few yards away from the Boulder Inn & Suites.

Bypass will help traffic in, around town

This week marked the official groundbreaking on phase one of the Boulder City bypass project. After the traffic mess we’ve had in the past few weeks I, for one, am looking forward to having a little less pandemonium in our little town every day.

Police Blotter

March 31, 4:34 p.m.

Man killed by police after firing at officers

A man who neighbors said could usually be found drinking on his patio was shot and killed Sunday night by Boulder City Police outside his apartment at 841 Avenue A near Cottonwood Street.

Police Blotter

March 24, 4:22 p.m.

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