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Public Safety

Officers’ rely on ‘bias’ while on patrol

We now enter week three in our discussion of bias: implicit, preconceived beliefs; explicit, personal preference; or illicit, breaking standards.

Police Blotter

Nov. 29, 7:58 a.m.

If it doesn’t look right, it might not be right

This week we will continue the discussion on bias and the types we experience: implicit or preconceived beliefs; explicit or personal preference; and illicit or breaking standards.

Police Blotter

Nov. 23, 2:42 a.m.

The Latest
Vaccine best way to fight flu this season

Flu season is approaching. You can protect yourself and your family from the flu by getting a flu vaccine. It’s the first and most important step.

Understanding bias helps build relationships

It appears we are at a point in the evolution of our country where it is important to understand bias and how it manifests itself in the relationship between police and the community officers are sworn to protect.

Police Blotter

Nov. 15, 6:37 a.m.

Police Blotter

Nov. 8, 6:15 a.m.

Neighborhood Watch helps prevent crime

The Neighborhood Watch program is one of the oldest, and still one of the most effective crime prevention programs. The program brings a group of citizens together with local law enforcement to form a cooperative effort to battle crime, one neighborhood at a time.

Police Blotter

Nov. 1, 6:17 a.m.

Police blotter

Oct. 25, 7 a.m.

Traffic division aims to keep roads, drivers safe

Here is more information on some of the basic functions of the Boulder City Police Department and what functions each area provides to the citizens we serve.

Police Blotter

Oct. 18, 11:31 a.m.

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