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Triathlon, talks on tap at Lake Mead

A triathlon, ranger talk and campfire singalong will highlight activities at Lake Mead National Recreation Area in the coming weeks.

Saturday, about 1,400 athletes will race through the recreation area for the annual Pumpkinman Triathlon. The swim portion of the race takes place at Boulder Beach. Then, athletes will bike along Lakeshore Road; visitors to Lake Mead may experience delays. The running portion will travel through Boulder City, ending at Wilbur Square Park in the downtown area. For more information, visit bbsctri.com/pumpkinman.

Rangers will present a talk entitled “Public Lands: Treasures of Southern Nevada” at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the park’s Alan Bible Visitor Center.

Additionally, the recreation area will celebrate Get Outdoors Nevada Day Saturday with free, family-friendly event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Craig Ranch Regional Park, 628 W. Craig Road, North Las Vegas. Presented with its business partners and the Southern Nevada Agency Partnership, the day’s events will include interactive exhibits; walking, running and biking trails; a canine area; theme lodges; a climbing wall; and skate park.

There will be information about ways to spend time outdoors in Southern Nevada, with interactive videos, maps and photography. There also will be information about volunteering opportunities in nearby federal parks.

Details are available at www.getoutdoorsnevada.org.

A talk about “Park Invaders: Nonnative Species” will be presented at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Nov. 1 and 2 at the recreation area’s visitor center. Rangers will present information about the species that have invaded the recreation area and what scientists are doing to keep them from overwhelming the park.

On Nov. 1, people are invited to gather at the Boulder Beach Amphitheater from 6:30-8 p.m. and join Mike Kershaw, a local acoustic guitarist and vocalist, who will lead a song session featuring childhood favorites, popular songs of today and a few of his original pieces.

For more information about any of the events at the recreation area, call 702-293-8990.

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