A man is facing a misdemeanor charge and possible jail time for hoarding almost 70 cats in his Boulder City mobile home in 2019.
Boulder City’s Redevelopment Agency is holding off on awarding a historic preservation grant to local father and son builders Grant and Larry Turner because it is unsure if the project fits the guidelines for the program.
Boulder City is backing a proposed national monument in a part of the Mojave Desert that borders the town.
Early voting in the primary election to narrow the field of candidates for two open City Council seats began March 25. As of the end of day Tuesday, the most recent numbers available by deadline, 824 voters had cast their ballots.
The public will have an opportunity in the next two weeks to hear from top applicants for the open city attorney and city manager positions through a series of special City Council meetings.
“It’s never too late to say thank you to a veteran.”
As spring arrives with warmer temperatures, we are also beginning to see the slow return to our normal lives. As health experts have advised, the COVID-19 virus has not been defeated yet and we must continue to be responsible for our actions to protect those around us. But progress is being made.
As we close in on early voting for the April 6 election for two members of City Council, some thoughts have come to me. I interviewed 11 of the 13 candidates for the positions for my website, BoulderCityPodcast.com, and in cooperation with Boulder City Social. Only Ray Turner declined the invitation and the mysterious Brent Foutz didn’t respond at all.
Spring has sprung and Easter is just around the corner. I was wandering the produce department and saw these beautiful multi-hued rainbow carrots. They reminded me of my favorite line from the Rankin/Bass Easter television special.
When you think of Death Valley National Park, California, you probably don’t conjure images of a year-round stream and waterfall. But at Darwin Falls you get that and more.