City seeks to rezone Eldorado Valley land for solar leases

City Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed master plan amendment and possible rezoning of land in Eldorado Valley during its Tuesday meeting at Boulder City Hall.

Go forward united as nation

It has now been nine days since the nation elected a new president. Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States.

Lake Mead cruise ends with citizenship

The United States is a nation of immigrants and for many people the sole reason for migrating to this country is the chance to become an American citizen. On Nov. 10, the National Park Service welcomed 23 new Americans during a naturalization cruise on Lake Mead.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1BEST THINGS: The Red Mountain Choir will usher in the holiday season just days before Thanksgiving as it presents “The Best Things” at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Elaine K. Smith Center, 700 Wyoming St. The choir is conducted by Lisa Gillespie and features accompanist Ashley Peel. The group will be joined by select students from Martha P. King Elementary School, conducted by LaNette Coker. Tickets are $10 for adults and free for students and children; they are available for purchase at the Chamber of Commerce, 455 Nevada Way, as well as at the venue on the day of the show. For more information, call 702-293-5455 or visit

Seen on Scene: At the Tricky Tray

Area residents gathered inside the gym at Boulder City High School for a chance to win gift baskets during the annual Tricky Tray fundraiser presented Nov. 9 by the Boulder City Community Education Advisory Board.

Lend A Hand recognizes volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of any nonprofit and Lend A Hand of Boulder City thanked the 80 volunteers who help keep the organization running by throwing its 27th annual volunteer dinner at Railroad Pass on Nov. 10.

Students share visions of peace in posters

Garrett Junior High School students Brooke Baker and Samantha Bahd won first and second place, respectively, in the Boulder City Peace Poster Contest sponsored by the Boulder City Lions Club.

Athlete of the Week

Laura Hubel/Boulder City Review

City Recreation

Softball leagues set to crown champs

Local Bowling Results

Boulder Bowl League High Scores as of Nov. 13

Senior Center

Hours of operation: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Friday at 813 Arizona St., 702-293-3320. Visit the center’s website at

Community Briefs

Republican women to hear doctor

Rules for home businesses should apply to all

Boulder City, like many other communities, has a provision for small-business owners to conduct work from their home addresses, and there are certain rules to carry out the day-to-day activities related to those businesses. What is not well-known by many small-business owners is how those businesses are managed.

Hope for better world needs a little help

“Hope needs some help.” I heard that sentence the other day from a talk show host. He added that he is always hopeful but not an optimist. His words got me to thinking.

Changing times requires change in thoughts

As a resident of Boulder City since 1965 I have seen our town evolve into a place that I will always call my hometown.

News Briefs

Birthday wish program helps homeless with warm coats

‘Angels’ sought to help those in need

The holidays are right around the corner, and that means Emergency Aid of Boulder City and Boulder Dam Credit Union are bringing back the Angel Tree.

Police Blotter

Nov. 8, 6:15 a.m.

Truckee stops Lady Eagles’ quest for state volleyball title

The Boulder City High School girls volleyball program closed out its season Friday at Damonte Ranch High School in Reno, Nevada, losing to Northern Nevada challenger Truckee in the 3A state semifinals 3-0.

Devotion to serve community grows

Tomorrow marks the start of my fourth year as editor of the Boulder City Review. My how time flies.

Residents flock to polls

Donald Trump has won the presidency according to The Associated Press and voters in Boulder City were willing and eager to get out to the polls despite long lines filling the three polling places in the city.

Importance of election sends first-time voters to polls

First-time voters were hard to find in Boulder City on Election Day, but a smidgen of the new electorate was ready and willing to cast a vote for President-elect Donald Trump.

Weekend’s Best Bets

1 NASHVILLE ECLECTICS: Whitherward performs at Boulder Dam Brewing Co. on Friday, with music starting at 8 p.m. The quartet formed in Nashville in 2013, led by singer-songwriters Ash and Ed, and have build a varied catalog of songs with hard-hitting vocals backed by thunderous guitars. Their eclectic sound draws inspiration from rock, folk, jazz and trip hop, with songs that take aim squarely at the human condition. The Brewpub is at 453 Nevada Way. Call 702-243-2739 or visit for more information.

November 2016
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun