It was refreshing and uplifting attending the Boulder City Review forum of candidates for the biggest little city in southern Clark County on Monday, May 13, evening.
Woodbury’s experience, vision for community merits support
I can’t think of any local elected official who advocates against American military veterans. Not all of them are especially vocal toward veterans, but they certainly don’t speak out against issues that could help those who serve.
A generosity of spirit lingered in the air Saturday from sunrise to well past sunset.
Someone says something. You disagree. You yell: “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Now what?
We’re in the middle of an extremely exciting month. May is mental health awareness month, along with it being the end of another school year.
After being “recruited” to move to Boulder City a dozen years ago by Bob and Linda Faiss, one of the major reasons why my wife, Becky, and I made the decision to move was for the schools. And we’ve never regretted it. Our three children got remarkable educations that we don’t believe is possible in any other region of Clark County.
All day, every day, no matter the weather, members of The Old Guard, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment headquartered at Fort Myer, Virginia, keep watch over the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur said, “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.”
Today , May 9, is a special day. Not only it is my birthday, but it is the anniversary release date for Alfred Hitchcock’s “Vertigo” starring Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak. “Vertigo” has a slight tie to Boulder City thanks to its famous director.
As the Legislature careers toward a June 3 adjournment, budget issues will dominate in Carson City. But lawmakers shouldn’t ignore a number of other important proposals that could benefit the state and its taxpayers. One of these measures is Assembly Bill 371.
Florist’s service another reason to love city, its residents