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Refurbishing pool comes at a cost

Doing my research for this article I came across a very interesting website that should be required reading for all Boulder City residents — http://www.bcnv.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/106. However, nowhere could I find information about the origins of the Boulder City Pool, which is sad as the pool has many enthusiastic customers who keep asking when are we getting our promised new pool?

The current pool has been in use for about four decades and is showing its age with eroded plaster, a constantly failing water heater and inadequate changing rooms and showers.

I have no complaints about the staff and instructors, who are qualified, outstanding in their professionalism and often bear the brunt of customer complaints. Rumors of a new pool complex have been circulating around the city for years and we almost had one once, promoted by the City Council, but nothing happened.

The Southern Nevada Health District follows the Model Aquatic Health Code “that standardizes how aquatic facilities are regulated” and on Nov. 3 it posted a public notice in the Boulder City Review: “Hearing Regarding Adoption of Aquatic Facility Regulations.” This piqued my curiosity to see just what it takes to run and maintain a public swimming facility.

My next point of reference was the Southern Nevada Health District website that contains the aquatic facility regulations — www.uthernnevadahealthdistrict.org/public-notices.php — and what I found was surprising.

You think you have a problem maintaining your home and business according to established city rules, regulations and ordinances? Just read what the Parks and Recreation Department needs to comply with to maintain just the aquatic facility.

For example, all refurbishments, repairs and renewals require prior approval, multiple paperwork and fees. Emergency pool repairs require that “a qualified professional must apply for a remodel the next business day after the emergency repair was made.” Then an appointment must be made to inform a staff member that an emergency repair was performed and an emergency equipment replacement form must be emailed and a fee paid. The website states that an emergency pool repair fee costs the same as a preapproved remodel fee.

What if the pool wants to replace some of its outdated equipment with similar apparatus? There are rules for that, too. The pool staff cannot just run out and purchase new equipment, even if it is replacing old, worn-out items.

Clark County requires forms to be completed and submitted with a fee for a “like-for-like equipment replacement.” As if this isn’t enough, a list has to be downloaded — an “equivalent equipment list” with examples of a like-to-like replacement.

I didn’t continue reading the regulations for major construction and major and minor remodels but they appear even more drastic.

So, the next time you complain about the lack of water pressure in the pool changing rooms, the rough plaster that tears up your feet and increasing fees, remember what it takes to run and maintain a pool facility and have a little empathy for the aquatic staff.

Angela Smith is a Ph.D. life coach, author and educator who has been a Nevada resident since 1992. She can be reached at catalyst78@cox.net.


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