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John L. Smith

Tesla plant may sparknew mining boom

Suddenly, Silver Peak finds itself smack in the middle of the Tesla discussion.

Politics in Kyle Canyon as plentiful as pines

With its tall pines and cool breezes, Mount Charleston doesn’t look much like a crossroads of political intrigue.

Reynolds saw power of friendship

Nancy Reynolds’ life has been so filled with travel and political adventure that it’s hard to imagine there was a time she was just a small-town girl on horseback.

New book: Gamble on desert lifestyle costly

Judith Nies doesn’t leave the environmental optimists and desert daydreamers among us much room for hope in her new book, “Unreal City: Las Vegas, Black Mesa and the Fate of the West.”

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Flower symbolizes Winnemucca’s struggle

She was born in 1844 to the Northern Paiute people near the Humboldt River. Her parents named her Thocmetony after the beautiful shell flower that manages to bloom following even the harshest winter on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada.

Sierra mailman’s feats are legendary

Few legends in Nevada history approach the amazing feats of strength and endurance of the great Sierra mailman, John A. “Snowshoe” Thompson.

Talk of tax reform just hot wind

Listen closely, and you can hear the indifferent desert wind as it chides and whistles around the politics of the Education Initiative margins tax measure.

Bundy’s saga echos Shoshone sisters’ story

Mary and Carrie Dann never received a visit from the camouflage cavalry, and I’m not sure whether they would have welcomed the support of armed militia.

Rancher: Both sides failed in range battle

Nevada rancher Demar Dahl knows his range law almost as well as he knows his own cattle.

Moapa solar project lights the way

Take the Valley of Fire exit off Interstate 15 north of Las Vegas and you can’t miss the sign welcoming visitors to the Moapa Tribal Travel Center. It reads, “Tax Free.”

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