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Letters to the Editor

No government ‘meddling’ needed

The quotation from Ms. Heidi Grigg — park employee — is a perfect example of government-issued phony baloney. Pure BS.

“… I’m most sad about the businesses that operate in the park. …” (Oct. 24 Page 1, Boulder City Review ).

Ms. Grigg, the last thing those businesses need is government supervision. These are experienced, professional private enterprise innovators. They know how to provide goods and services to the public and make a profit (after taxes). Something Ms. Grigg does not have a clue about. They can function quite well without supervision and meddling.

As for the services they sell, how much government oversight is required for an individual to operate his/her/its boat? Or to hike in Red Rock (Canyon National Conservation Area)? Or reside in a vacation cabin? Or visit a Word War II memorial? The crowning insult was permitting a Latino group permission to demonstrate on the (National) Mall.

The National Parks Service should be condemned as overbearing thugs. The fact their police force was considered “essential” to harass and intimidate law-abiding citizens is outrageous.

Ms. Grigg, take your crocodile tears somewhere else. May I suggest the government-supplied water cooler in the government-supplied break room, stocked with government-supplied amenities.

There is a reason 800,000 government employees were considered nonessential. I wish it was more permanent.

Who is a stakeholder?

I have finished reading “RDA funds distributed to area businesses” article (Oct. 24 Page 1, Boulder City Review) by Dale Napier.

Tell me, Mayor Roger Tobler, these stakeholders, am I one? I have lived here more than 16 years. Please tell me who is a stakeholder or why is someone a stakeholder.

Missing rifle is no small matter

In his letter (to the editor, (Oct. 24 Page 1, Boulder City Review) Wayne Colla made some valid observations, but was in error in assuming that an AR-15 was a fully automatic rifle. It is a semi-automatic rifle and only fires one shot with each pull of the fire. (The AK-47 rifles sold to civilians for sport shooting are also only semi-automatic.) I agree that whoever had documented possession of it should be accountable for replacing the rifle, and not just write it off as inadequate controls in place and stick Boulder City taxpayers wit the bill (almost $2,000.)

Thanks for the Beerfest Saturday

Thanks to Boulder City for the Beerfest Saturday! The organizers of this first year’s Beerfest did an absolutely wonderful job and are to be congratulated. The event with its beer and food vendors was exceptionally well-organized. All of the vendors we visited were not only knowledgeable but also very interesting and eager to please. The food also was delicious. We definitely want this event to return!

New St. Jude’s Ranch facility provides healing, hope

We all love Boulder City. It’s quaint, quiet, and we have the lowest crime rates in the state. Sex trafficking may feel like a “big city problem” to many residents in our community. But we are just 30 minutes from a city where thousands of people are victimized every year. According to Awaken Justice Nevada:

Destressing the holidays can start in your bathroom

“Tis the season to be jolly!” Indeed, but with elevated stress levels during the holidays, I sooner find myself saying “Calgon, take me away!” For those of you unfamiliar with this phrase, it’s from a 70s TV ad where a stressed-out woman is unraveling over “the traffic, the boss, the baby, the dog!” She rescues herself by losing her cares in the luxury of a Calgon bath. I mistakenly thought Calgon was a bubble bath, but it’s actually the trade name for complex salt, Sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO3)6. Simply put, it’s a water softener.

It’s the greatest most amazing thing ever

“Don’t forget you are up for a column this week,” read the text on my phone Monday morning. It was a message from Review Editor Ron Eland and, oops, I had forgotten.


Thank you, BCR

New gun proposal may reduce suicides

Reducing veteran suicide remains a top priority for Congress, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the veteran community.

A very taxing situation

“You must pay taxes. But there’s no law that says you gotta leave a tip.” – Morgan Stanley

Strategic plan benefits Boulder City

There is an old saying that claims, “What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get done.”