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Hali Bernstein Saylor

Editors are like ogres

Just call me Shrek.

Start of new year like getting on roller coaster

The new year is just a few days away. Its arrival brings hope and promise for all the good things to come, as well as a few worries about potential bad news.

It’s a matter of opinion

It’s gotten ugly out there, and I’m not referring to the cooler temperatures and cloudy skies.

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Holiday-centric week fun for all

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s the one week that brings out the kid in all of us as Boulder City ushers in the holiday season with a flurry of festive activities. I can’t wait.

Go forward united as nation

It has now been nine days since the nation elected a new president. Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States.

Devotion to serve community grows

Tomorrow marks the start of my fourth year as editor of the Boulder City Review. My how time flies.

Cast your vote; make a difference

For centuries, people in America have fought and died for many principles, and key among them was the right to vote.

Presidential election will be historic

In case you haven’t heard, Americans will be voting for a new president in a few weeks.

Together we must fight senseless killings

Orlando. Boston. Dallas. Baton Rouge. San Bernardino. We’re all familiar with those cities. Not because they are great cities, although they are. Not because they attract tourists, although they do. Not because they have played a role in our nation’s history, although they have.

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