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Together we must fight senseless killings

Orlando. Boston. Dallas. Baton Rouge. San Bernardino.

We’re all familiar with those cities. Not because they are great cities, although they are. Not because they attract tourists, although they do. Not because they have played a role in our nation’s history, although they have.

We are familiar with these cities because they have been the sites of recent, senseless murders and terrorist attacks.

In Orlando, 49 people were killed and another 53 were injured.

In Boston, three people died and another 264 were injured.

In Dallas, five police officers were killed and nine others were injured, along with two bystanders.

In Baton Rouge, three officers were killed and another three were wounded.

In San Bernardino, 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured.

But what’s really scary is that none of these victims intentionally put themselves in harm’s way. They were dancing, celebrating, enjoying marathon festivities and just doing their jobs.

The big question and the most unanswerable one is why.

There have been arguments about stricter gun control laws. Politicians are especially keen on bringing up the issue to pit themselves against their opponents as they run for office.

I’m not convinced, however, that is the answer.

Since when have criminals followed laws? There are plenty of ways to work around regulations that would prevent them from obtaining a weapon.

Plus there are ample ways to cause great harm without ever pulling a trigger.

Consider the recent attack in Nice, France. With a truck. That evening, just a few days ago, 84 people were killed and another 303 hurt when a man deliberately drove a 19-ton cargo truck into a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day.

Again I ask why?

Did these people’s deaths further his radical cause? Were they in any way responsible for his problems? Would it have helped if more people were armed?

In Boulder City we tend to feel safe, secure and isolated from the problems of the world. Yet those problems continue to inch closer to home.

I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do know living in fear is not it.

We cannot stop dancing, celebrating or doing our jobs. We cannot stop visiting great cities or spending time with friends and families.

If we do, then surely incidents such as those that have besieged our nation and our world will fail to inspire us to take action to find that answer.

And that would be the greatest tragedy of all.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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