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Hali Bernstein Saylor

Love of science becoming cool

Pardon me, but my inner geek is showing.

Past comes to life in Boulder City

Long before I ever had the notion of becoming a journalist, I wanted to be a paleontologist.

Boulder City a great place to live

Just ask any Boulder City resident and he or she will tell you, the city is the best place to live.

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Financiers credited for their service

Years ago, financial institutions were more than just a place to manage your money. They were a part of the community. They participated in events, supported schools and organizations and went out of their way to serve their customers.

Dog’s tail speaks volumes

I have met many people since my arrival in Boulder City. Each has shared something special with me, but none of their tales has been as poignant as the one I heard Monday. And it was told to me without a single spoken word.

Every rose has its thorn

In his State of the City address Thursday evening, Mayor Roger Tobler told those assembled that the city’s state is pretty healthy.

Team behind Doodlebug is one to watch

I finally figured out what a Doodlebug is — sorta.

Fateful day takes away more than memories

Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful day, that started with an early call and ended in a mournful way.

Conquering box mountain not an easy climb

The late, great George Carlin did a fabulous comedy routine about stuff.

Season’s eatings: Tidings of comfort, joy

Flour. Check. Sugar, brown, granulated and colored crystals. Check. Vanilla. Check. With all this baking going on, it can only mean one thing: It must be December.