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Deeply held beliefs continue to split nation

As I sit at my keyboard, my mind wanders to national events. What’s going on? Will our president be the president by the holidays? How will the stock market be?

I haven’t lived in such uncertain times since the early ’70s, when I lived in Washington, D.C. Day after day, Washington Post headlines bore the latest bad news from a shadow figure named Deep Throat. Bad news about Richard Nixon, who I had voted for. Finally, Republican leadership went to the president and told him he must resign, or he would certainly become the first president ever removed from office.

Times are very different now, it seems to me. Today, most put their own party members first above all else. Reds and blues are like armed camps. TV news media tell us different stories about the same events.

Happily, it seems our friendly Boulder City folks have largely risen above that. I know lots of people around town, but mostly I couldn’t tell you which camp their spears are resting in. They do have opinions, but they don’t air them with neighbors. That is the main reason I’ve never talked here about state or national politics.

I can’t see how we will ever come to peace. Every new revelation causes the offended side to cry “fake news.” If we refuse to believe, then we can never agree.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about an unthinkable word. Secession. I know. Crazy, right? But look at a color-coded map of the red states from recent elections; compare this to a map of the seceding states in 1861. Ignoring some states that were not states back then, the maps are virtually identical. The mindsets of North and South were fundamentally different back then, and they still are 160 years later.

I wonder if we won’t start hearing that unthinkable word soon from those who lose the current battle. I’m not predicting that, just wondering if it might loom its ugly head. I am most certainly not wishing for it. Since I have lived nearly eight decades in five Northern states and am within weeks of calling the former Confederacy my home for life, this would be an insane time for me to advocate secession.

I did a Wiktionary on the word “secession” to be sure I spelled it right. I was shocked. Secession is like a dirty word in American English. A totally unused term. The computer wanted to redirect me to the word “succession.”

But Wikipedia gives the word plenty of text, and I learned two things that had never occurred to me in my entire Yankee-born and educated life.

President Thomas Jefferson, in 1816, said: “If any state in the union will declare that it prefers separation … to a continuance in union, I have no hesitation in saying, ‘let us separate.’ I would rather the states should withdraw.”

Then President James Buchanan, in a message to Congress just four months before the attack on Fort Sumter, said, “The fact is that our Union rests upon public opinion, and can never be cemented by the blood of its citizens shed in civil war. If it cannot live in the affections of the people, it must one day perish. … The sword was not placed in their (Congress) hand to preserve it by force.”

Here is another lesson I never bothered to learn in Northern schools. Buchanan did not run for a second term in the 1860 election. After Abraham Lincoln won but had not yet taken office, President Buchanan never once contested the state’s right to secede.

If either Jefferson or Buchanan had been president in 1861, it is very likely the seven Confederate states would have formed a separate nation without the shedding of 700,000 American lives. It was the new president’s choice to take up the sword.

Had the South been allowed to secede peacefully, the primary divisive issue of slavery could not have long survived. Human bondage was outlawed in virtually every part of the world ages ago. Then, would the states have reunited? Or would we have remained divided over some of the other deep cultural differences that still seem to lie between us?

Dave Nelson retired to Boulder City in 2003 after a career with the FICO score company. He is vice president for the local Sons of Norway.

See David Copperfield but skip the bouillabaisse

Last week I interviewed Seth Grabel, a very talented magician, who now calls Boulder City home. He’s featured in this week’s edition on page 2.

A story of reconciliation amidst division

I keep going into the week when it is time for me to write a column with an idea that I know I want to write about but events keep pushing that idea further out into the future.

Who did more for veterans?

Did President Joe Biden or President Donald Trump do more for America’s veterans? It all depends how one keeps score: Introduce laws? Pass laws? Do large things, or many small things? Important things, or things that were not so important?Below are two examples according to Military.com.

Holy smokes!

Two weeks ago on June 25, I received messages from panicked individuals at the Elks Lodge RV Park stating that the Boulder City Fire Department had been conducting a controlled burn that had gotten out of control.

July is PR Month

For nearly 40 years, the nation has celebrated Park and Recreation Month in July to promote building strong, vibrant, and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation.

July 4 safety and awareness checklist

As we celebrate our great nation’s birthday, let’s run down this safety and awareness checklist so we can have a blast this 4th… but only the good kind.

“Be Kind, Be Boulder” this Fourth of July

Happy Birthday, America! Today, we celebrate an act of autonomy and sovereignty that happened in 1776, nearly 250 years ago: the Founding Fathers signing of the Declaration of Independence established this great nation. (It would be another 155 years before Boulder City’s founders arrived to construct Hoover Dam!)

Ensuring fire safety at Lake Mead

At Lake Mead National Recreation Area, our mission extends beyond preserving the natural beauty and recreational opportunities.

Independence Day in Boulder City

I was elected to the Boulder City council long ago. Believe me, there were more exciting events that occurred during city council meetings in the mid-to-late 1980s than there are at present. We had Skokie Lennon who arrived in the council meetings while standing at the back of the room. When he had something to say he would erupt with the statement “can you hear me?” Of course we could since he was the loudest person in the room. He would say what he had to say and then leave.

Nothing to fear

A June 13 letter by Norma Vally claimed Pride Month in Boulder City is an example of identity politics that will cause divisiveness in our safe, kind, and welcoming town. I cannot disagree more.