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Country’s actions sparked by leaders’ consciousness

All behavior arises from consciousness. Both Russia and the USA are second ray of consciousness nations. I am the second ray of consciousness and the reader is most likely the second ray of consciousness. I bring the reader’s attention to both of these nations since they are a comprehensive display of the consciousness, in an international setting.

The second ray of consciousness is the most prevalent and therefore important consciousness of humankind. Both the USA and Russia are struggling to convince the world that each is correct and that each should extract concessions. Of course, I’m speaking of the conflict with Russia over the future of Ukraine.

This is the way the second ray of consciousness functions. We want to improve the world while relishing our own perspective. That is a part of our hidden aspirations arising from consciousness. We feel a need for a better world while searching for others with the same perspective. We thrill when we find others to share our common reality with.

In 2020, the United States spent around $766 billion on its military. The USA was fully engaged in Afghanistan in 2020. It has fully withdrawn in 2022. The 2022 defense budget allots $768 billion for defense programs. Is that even rational following the withdrawal from Afghanistan? The understanding of this expenditure assists in the unveiling of the second ray of consciousness.

These expenditures have extended beyond what could reasonably be termed “defense.” They are likely designed to improve the world. Those are likely the hidden aspirations of consciousness arising from the USA. As indicated, the USA likely feels a need for a better world while looking for others who agree with it concerning what is the premise of this better world.

For America and western Europe, that would likely be indicated by membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Within the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in 1949, are the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.

Joe Biden, as well as Vladimir Putin, the leaders of the nations, are the second ray of consciousness. Evidently, Vladimir Putin continues to see the Soviet bloc as part of his territory. That is what is happening in the eastern European state of Ukraine.

Do you recall the USSR occupying Afghanistan? That is what likely broke the bank of the Soviet Union causing it to be unable to continue to control the Soviet bloc of nations. Afghanistan was its nation’s nightmare.

Wasn’t it the same for the United States of America for 20 years? Perhaps Russia and the USA are more similar than the USA cares to admit? Didn’t the USA invade Iraq under false pretenses after occupying Afghanistan?

The United States of America prides itself on being the best nation in the world. Is it the best nation in the world? Is what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, the best the USA can do? The USA has a delicate form of government called a democratic republic. It requires cooperation to create a comprehensive purpose, one that supports the nation, creating the greatest good for the greatest number.

What is the government of Russia? During my nearly 70 years, it has always been a totalitarian autocracy. Its government is singular. Vladimir Putin does not need to cooperate with others in Russia to any great extent to act.

The USA is moving toward a more singular rather than a collective perspective, creating polarization. This can directly be attributed to the USA’s lack of desire to communicate with others in person. The consciousness that is humankind requires conversations in person that result from, and within, that cooperation.

A democracy requires consensus, doesn’t it? Clearly the USA’s democracy is more vulnerable to polarization than Russia, isn’t it? It would help immensely for Congress to begin using standard order once again to assure effective communication and cooperation since policy makers in a democratic republic must share a common understanding for actions.

In order to fully benefit from being human, humankind needs to communicate the way it has for millennia. We can only do that in person, face to face, body to body, since much of a message from communication arises from body language. We all walk away from an in-person conversation with each party having a more similar understanding, don’t we? Humankind collectively communicates best from in-person conversations for the improvement of understanding arising for any group, culture, city, county, state or nation.

A democracy, especially, requires a collective reality that can only be created by in-person communication. When the USA can best derive meaning from in-person communication as well as demonstrate love, wouldn’t we all be better off communicating in person?

The opinions expressed above belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of the Boulder City Review. They have been edited solely for grammar, spelling and style, and have not been checked for accuracy of the viewpoints.

Eric Lundgaard is president of the Aquarian Theosophy Foundation and former mayor of Boulder City.

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