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Coming election critical for city

Election season is upon us. If you haven’t noticed the signs, all you need to do is take a drive through the community and Southern Nevada.

The filing period for candidates begins Monday and continues through March 17. The city will be voting on the mayor’s position as well as two seats on the City Council.

So far, two men have announced their intention to seek the mayor’s position: current Mayor Kiernan McManus and Sen. Dr. Joe Hardy, who previously served on the City Council. The council race has two confirmed candidates: incumbents James Howard Adams and Steve Walton, a former planning commissioner and interim fire chief. Councilwoman Claudia Bridges said family obligations are taking her in another direction away from serving a second term.

Hopefully, several more candidates will throw their hats into the proverbial ring.

In 2019, the last time the mayor’s seat was open, three candidates filed for the primary and the City Council race, which also had two open seats, and saw eight candidates.

While all elections are important to the community and its future, this coming election is especially critical for Boulder City residents.

As the city continues to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it faces the sale of Tract 350, which has the potential to add another 177 homes to the community. The sale is expected to add about $28.5 million to the city coffers, a majority of which will be designated for construction of a new aquatic facility.

Many decisions will need to be made regarding the design and construction of the pool and it’s important for residents to elect those who they believe will have the city’s best interests at heart.

Additionally, there will be a few ballot questions, including one that asks if the city should sell approximately 16 acres for a much-needed second grocery store.

Perhaps the switch of the election cycle to even-numbered years will entice more people to head to the polls.

The cycle was changed in 2018 to coincide with even-numbered years when state and federal elections are held as a way to possibly increase the number of voters heading to the polls as well as decrease costs the city incurs.

For the last City Council election in 2021, the primary saw 4,111 voters casting their ballots at the polls or mailing in their ballots, or 36.19 percent of our registered voters, while the general election saw 4,079 voters participating, or 35.43 percent.

In comparison, in 2020’s election, which included the office of president, the general election saw 974,185, or 73.99 percent of registered voters in the county participate. The June primary saw 305,008 or 26.88 percent of the registered voters in the county cast their ballots.

Once again, the Boulder City Review will give voters a chance to meet the candidates and understand the issues to help them make an informed decision.

Each candidate will be asked a series of questions that will be published in their own words in May before early voting begins.

We also hope to have a candidates’ forum where you can hear them speak on issues that matter to the community. If that is not possible, we will post video interviews with them on our website and social media.

Before then, we want to know what your concerns are and what questions you would like the candidates to answer. Please send them to us by email at news@bouldercityreview.com or mail them or drop them by the office at 508 Nevada Way, Suite 1, Boulder City, NV 89005, by April 30.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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