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Safety No. 1 priority for holiday

The Fourth of July is tomorrow, and the city will be filled with thousands of patriotic citizens and visitors out sharing a good time. Barbecues, the parade, family and friends gathering in the parks and a spectacular fireworks show are some of the time-honored traditions Boulder City has become famous for on the Fourth.

With all the added people in town and the excitement of the celebration, it’s important to remember some simple safety tips to ensure that everyone has a good and safe celebration.

Barbecue safety is a high priority in keeping safe this holiday. Both charcoal barbecues and propane barbecues can be equally dangerous if left unattended. Remember when you’re outside firing up the grill to keep kids away from the heat of the fire.

Leaving a barbecue unattended is the No. 1 cause of all fires started by a grill. Keep your barbecue in an open area, not left under an awning or fabric tent. Be sure to keep water or an ABC fire extinguisher close in the event that your flames get out of control or accidentally light something on fire.

Please be mindful when storing extra charcoal or lighter fluids near the grill. As temperatures on the grill increase so does the likelihood that flammable materials next to it will ignite.

The weather is supposed to be very hot on the Fourth, and with the hot weather people tend to escape to the pools or lake to keep cool.

It is important to follow safe swimming practices to keep everyone safe. Only people with strong swimming abilities should be allowed in the pool. Children younger than 12 should be supervised by a competent adult at all times.

The ABCs of swimming pools should always be in place: A — adult supervision, B — barriers between the pool and the house to prevent children and adolescents from accidentally stumbling into the pool, and C — classes, such as swimming lessons and CPR are vital to keeping a safe swimming environment.

Fireworks safety will be the No. 1 priority of law enforcement and firefighters on the Fourth. Remember only safe and sane fireworks are allowed in Clark County. These fireworks are termed safe and sane because they contain no explosives and do not leave the ground.

Be sure to keep a bucket of water to soak your used fireworks in overnight prior to throwing them away in a trash can. For added security and safety keep an ABC-type fire extinguisher near to help with any unwanted or accidental fires.

Also be mindful that no fireworks will be permitted in the park areas sponsored by the Damboree.

Fireworks that are not permitted are illegal and citizens will be cited if caught using them, or using safe and sane fireworks improperly.

If you have illegal fireworks, you can turn them in to the fire department or the police department for proper disposal.

There will be no illegal fireworks permitted in town or within the city’s limits including the surrounding deserts. The Damboree puts together a spectacular fireworks show every year, and organizers highly encourage people to come out and enjoy the festivities in the park.

If drinking alcohol, do it in moderation. The weather will be hot, and alcohol only adds to the possibility of getting dehydrated. Remember to drink responsibly. Police will be out cutting down the number of drunk drivers on the road, and there will be a no tolerance policy for drinking and driving. Keeping our roads safe with the number of people in town will be a top priority for the Boulder City Police Department.

Also remember that the dry lake bed will be closed. No one will be permitted to visit or stay on the dry lake bed.

We hope that everyone has a happy and safe Fourth of July.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the fire house at 702-293-9228.

Brian Shea is a Boulder City paramedic/firefighter.

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