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Public Safety

Why are police blamed for enforcing state, city laws?

Is accountability a personal issue? I’d like to think it is. We learn about it in grade school and it’s taught to us by our parents. So, I wonder, why do the people police meet during enforcement activities have every story under the sun about why they were breaking the law?

National Night Out event returns Tuesday

It’s that time of year again: The annual National Night Out hosted by the Boulder City Police Department will start at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the baseball fields at Veterans Memorial Park.

Police Blotter

July 21, 8:09 a.m.

Community not immune to juvenile misbehavior

Hola, BC! I hope your summer is going well. Our kids are the future. Here at the police department we frequently encounter juveniles during the work day. Kids can be a handful, as parents and grandparents know.

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Preparing for emergency helps first responders

EMTs and paramedics for the fire department are trained to respond to medical and traumatic emergencies. Under the supervision of doctors, nurses and other paramedics, we are professionals who have three to four years of medical training to handle and diffuse different situations. We receive two to four years of schooling, plus departmentwide academy training in a number of fire-related emergencies. We are the first line of defense in an emergency. When you call 911 for a medical or fire-related emergency, we are the first people you will see.

Storms bring sudden dangers of flash floods

It’s that time of year again when dark storms start rolling across the sky. Lightning strikes and thunder echoes across the desert floor. It’s majestic and beautiful in a way that only nature can provide. However, summer storms can be dangerous, and a powerful energy can become a deadly force. Ironically, many people not from the desert, not native to Southern Nevada, will not think twice about the rain storms. The fallacy being that Nevada is a desert, it doesn’t rain here, and when it does, it’s never for than a few minutes.

Community works as one to locate missing man

Thank you! Boulder City residents should pat themselves on the back. The Damboree Parade went off without a hitch or a balloon. Everyone respected the “no water balloons” request. No calls, complaints or citations over the water balloon issue. Thanks BC!

Steps to take when living with seizures

A problem that affects people of all ages is seizures. If you have never seen someone have a seizure, the first time can be intimidating. You are left feeling hopeless and helpless.

Safety first with ‘safe and sane’ fireworks

Happy birthday, America! As we celebrate America’s 237th birthday, I can’t help but think how blessed we are. Living in this ordered country provides the majority of us a very safe environment.

Depression, anxiety can be overwhelming

A sore subject for many people to openly discuss is depression. Depression for most people is simply more than a mild case of “the blues.”