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A crime by any name is still a crime

The inspiration of our profession is tethered by a sense of duty. It matters not the names you call us; we will perform the essential obligations of our commitment. This engagement with the public presents us the orthodox ability to enhance the life of the public. What does all this mean?

Have you ever wondered, “Why is the police car pulling me over?” Yes, I’ve thought that, too. Cognitively, I knew the answer.

However, interestingly most drivers have no idea why their progression is being halted by a uniformed presence. Like the old proverb says, all I really need to know about how to live, what to do and how to be, I learned in kindergarten.

Although this axiom is so true, I believe people expanded it to include denial and excuses when they get caught. I can’t remember the last person who looked me in the eye and said, you’re right, I was speeding, or talking on the cellphone, or forgot to register my car or simply admitting to the criminal act. Almost everyone has a justification or rationale of why they were doing what they were doing.

A recently arrested criminal suggested we were being unfair and slanderous when we referred to that person as a “meth head.” Our apologies. This subject preferred to be referred to as chemically dependent. No, you’re not a speeder; you’re a velocity-enhanced motorist. Really now?

So, when we address a criminal liability issue with individuals, it’s probably because we saw them commit a crime or someone reported them committing a criminal act, allegedly?

Enough of the contextual semantics; are you ready? “Control, 269, we’ll be 10-8.”

June 29. It’s 11 p.m. and the Regional Transportation Commission stopped running. The chap sitting at the bus stop is a clue. Officers go out with our bench dweller and not only is he tanked, he has felony and misdemeanor warrants out of Henderson. Did I ever tell you about the great working relationship we have with Henderson Detention Center?

June 30. Don Ho was at the Backstop Sports Pub. No, just kidding. But the guy in the Hawaiian shirt was causing a ruckus. The establishment did not want him trespassed, but requested Mr. Floral Print leave for the evening. The sober son came to get dad. Know when to say “no mas.”

July 1. A caller reports the soon-to-be ex took money and jewelry from the house. An officer arrives and informs the caller Nevada is a community property state. What’s mine is his/hers and what’s his/hers is his/hers. Everything a husband and wife have could be each other’s.

July 2. Officers are dispatched to the area of Fir Street regarding a disturbance. Dispatch advises hearing a woman scream “Cops can’t arrest me.” We arrive and determine two girlfriends got into a fight with each other. A boyfriend became the victim when his girlfriend bit him on the arm. After trying climbing the wall to hide, the officers located the woman and arrested her for domestic battery.

July 3. An officer gets dispatched to the old Boulder City pump station regarding a suspicious vehicle. The caller reports two men walking around a car who appear to be looking for something. The officers arrive to the scene and check the vehicle’s registration. The vehicle is stolen and the officer sees the now would-be sprinters take off like rockets. They catch one who has the car keys in his pocket. The other guy turned into a cactus; he couldn’t be found. His buddy gave us the other guy’s name, so he’ll have a cellmate soon enough.

July 4. The parade was awesome! We get a call from Arizona Public Safety. They advise Evel Knievel is driving on his motorcycle at 120 mph, and heading for the dam. We spot the fella coming past the Hacienda Hotel. We have the motorcycle’s Nevada registration. We let him go for now; that way no one gets hurt, but we will meet him at his house in Las Vegas. Hi, we meet again.

July 5. The pet owner comes to the Boulder City Animal Control to retrieve his dog, which ran away during the fireworks. A check of the dog owner reveals a couple of issues that the judges in Boulder City and Henderson need to discuss with him. The doggy gets out of the pound, but the owner is heading in. Take care of warrants.

It was an awesome week! Thank you all for making this another safe Fourth of July; you guys and gals were great. Enjoy the heat, stay hydrated and cool. Until next week, keep the faith Boulder City.

Sssnake season is here

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Colon cancer screenings crucial for adults

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‘Spoof’ call temporarily locksdown high school

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