NDOT to hold public information meeting about bypass
October 18, 2014 - 6:57 am
The Nevada Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration and the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, will hold an informational meeting for the Interstate 11 Boulder City bypass project from 4-7 pm. Tuesday at the Elaine K. Smith Center, 700 Wyoming St.
NDOT and the RTC will update the public on construction plans and schedule for the project as well as the finding of naturally occurring asbestos in the project area. Testing results will be available and mitigation efforts to ensure public health and safety when construction begins in spring 2015 will be discussed.
The bypass aims to relieve congestion in Boulder City by improving safety and the flow of local traffic and truck operations into Southern Nevada. It will be designated as part of the future I-11 corridor connecting Las Vegas to Phoenix.
Estimated costs for both phases of the project will be about $530 million. NDOT is responsible for Phase 1, while the RTC will be responsible for Phase 2 of the project. Both phases will be under construction concurrently.
The open house format will include a formal presentation at 5:30 p.m. followed by a question-and-answer session. The public can meet project representatives before and after the presentation.
Additional project information is available at: http://bit.ly/1nXIAU7 and http://bit.ly/1sxt1B3.
Comments can be submitted in writing or verbally to a court reporter at Tuesday’s meeting or by emailing them to: info@dot.state.nv.us referencing Boulder City Bypass in the subject line. Comments will be accepted until 5 p.m. Nov. 4 and also may be mailed to: Tony Lorenzi, Project Manager, NDOT, 1263 S. Stewart St., Carson City, NV. 89712.