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NDOT cautions drivers about dangers of flooded roads

The Nevada Department of Transportation reminds motorists that flash flood season occurs from July to September in Clark County and cautions them: “Don’t drown, turn around. Water always wins.”

Here are a few helpful things to remember before hitting the roads:

■ One foot of standing water equals 500 pounds of lateral force on your vehicle.

■ Know your limits. It takes only 6 inches of fast-moving floodwater to knock over a grown adult. Just 12 inches of rushing water can carry away a small car, while 2 feet can sweep away most vehicles, including trucks and SUVs.

■ Make sure your car is in good working order, including wipers, brakes, fluids, headlights and tires.

■ Double the braking distance between vehicles during wet road conditions.

■ Pay attention to road barricades. Don’t ignore them and drive past.

■ Driving through water can damage your vehicle’s electronics.

■ Bring plenty of water and snacks, required medications, a charged cellphone with a car charger, blankets and sturdy shoes in case of an emergency.

■ Manhole covers and other roadway debris can get lifted and moved.

■ Be especially cautious at night. Flood dangers are much more difficult to see in the dark.

■ Don’t blindly follow other cars. Do your best to estimate the depth of the water if you must cross it.

■ If you do get stuck in floodwater, it’s usually best to wait in the car and call for help rather than try to get out. (Floodwater can be contaminated and carry disease.)

For the latest state highway conditions, visit nvroads.com or call 511 before driving.

NPS, BOR employees discuss layoffs

It was definitely not the email he was hoping for.

Council votes ‘no’ on leash law

And, in the end, only one member of the city council was willing to stand up to a minority of residents and insist that dogs in public areas be on a leash.

For anglers, pond is more than just for fishing

The Boulder City Urban Pond draws crowds from in and outside Boulder City to enjoy the weather, fishing, and cleanliness.

Former rest home to become apartments

The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to approve variances and a conditional use permit so that a former assisted living facility in the southeast part of town can reopen as apartments for seniors.

Council loosens food truck regulation

The past decade has brought an explosion of what in often called “food truck culture” all across the U.S.

Hanson looks to continue Inabnitt’s legacy

With the retirement of former Animal Control Supervisor Ann Inabnitt, Brendan Hanson acknowledges that there will never be another Ann. However, he feels prepared, capable, and eager to do his best in his new role as the Boulder City Animal Control supervisor, building on the strong foundation Inabnitt built and is excited to continue her legacy.

Tract 350 set to take another step forward

The next step in finally realizing the decade-and-a-half-long plan for a housing development butting up against the Boulder Creek Golf Course is set to happen in the city council meeting scheduled for next week.

Does Deputy Dan ring a bell?

With nicknames such as Officer Dummy, Deputy Dan, Officer Wood, and even Latex Larry, many Boulder City residents still remember seeing him parked and on duty.

Helmets and e-bikes: Council opts to take educational approach

In a discussion with no real action attached, the city council spent a substantial part of last week’s meeting talking about the scourge of e-bikes and electric scooters on Boulder City streets. More specifically, the discussion centered on whether the city can — or should — mandate that users of these powered devices wear helmets.

Grace Christian Academy turns 25

For the past quarter century, Grace Christian Academy has offered its students traditional curriculum but, in their case, the four Rs – reading, writing, arithmetic and religion.